forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@The-Magician group

Everyone else: gets somewhat decent sleep and eats enough throughout the days
Me: barely sleeps and barely eats

Oh fuck off not another one..

Deleted user

Everyone else: gets somewhat decent sleep and eats enough throughout the days
Me: barely sleeps and barely eats

Oh fuck off not another one..


@HighPockets group

Everyone else: gets somewhat decent sleep and eats enough throughout the days
Me: barely sleeps and barely eats

Oh fuck off not another one..

I literally cannot imagine reading this chat and going "haha I'm the only one who doesn't sleep or eat!"
Like, that's a lot of the vents here, kiddo…

Deleted user

Anyways, I gotta go start my paper on WW2 . im hoping i can get it done before friday

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Everyone else: gets somewhat decent sleep and eats enough throughout the days
Me: barely sleeps and barely eats

Have you read this chat?

Usually i'm too tired and my vision fucks up my reading


I'm not sure who all knows about it, or is in it, but I did make a thread for anyone and everyone that's sleep deprived/ and or an insomniac…. Sleep Deprived Insomniacs Club.


Deleted user

There's so much great shit here.
You just listed so many reasons not to.
Plus, your pets!! Your current friends and all the new ones you'll meet!! Things will get better!!!!!!!!

The people who feel like this, the people who want to die? We're sick, El.
But this sickness doesn't have to be fatal.
You are a strong motherfucker, Ella. For real.
I've watched you go from a relatively happy girl to a struggling girl, and I've hated doing so.
But darling, you still make us smile and laugh and remind us how much we love you.
You haven't let the sickness take you.
And that's a sign that you can do this. You can recover. You can live, if you let yourself.

So don't.

@Moxie group

Also. You’re not late. This is the venting chat. This is what that’s for. Your thoughts, though scary and hard, still deserve to be heard, no matter how “late” they may be.


I'm tired, so I kinda just skimmed through the pages I missed. I wanna give a speech, but I don't have the time. Sometimes, there isn't much we can give each other, like Dom pointed out. Sometimes, maybe most of the time, we can't truly help, no matter how much we want to. But we do have something. We have real understanding. We have heartfelt, genuine understanding for each other. We look at each other hurting and we get it. We see in each other what we feel in ourselves. We really really get it. We can't always stop the hurt. And it sucks. But we have each other.

Imma goin to bed d get, sleep beans.
Love you all.
Talk tomorrow

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I'm tired, so I kinda just skimmed through the pages I missed. I wanna give a speech, but I don't have the time. Sometimes, there isn't much we can give each other, like Dom pointed out. Sometimes, maybe most of the time, we can't truly help, no matter how much we want to. But we do have something. We have real understanding. We have heartfelt, genuine understanding for each other. We look at each other hurting and we get it. We see in each other what we feel in ourselves. We really really get it. We can't always stop the hurt. And it sucks. But we have each other.

Imma goin to bed d get, sleep beans.
Love you all.
Talk tomorrow



Anyways, I gotta go start my paper on WW2 . im hoping i can get it done before friday

Did some one say WW2? if you need any information or just helps with an essay let me know, I got you. in fact give me a moment, I'll post how to write good scoring essay's with minimal effort, history edition (If someone requests it I can do an English edition)


@NutEllaDraws I'm sure you've heard many metaphors and analogies relating hope and a will to fight to fire. Well if we look at a will to go on as fire I think the analogy goes a lot deeper then you might think.
In nature fire only really has two main causes, lightning, and volcanic eruption. But not every where has lightning storms, even fewer places have volcano's. the chances of a fire starting on it's own in nature is just so slim, it rarely happens. Ella, some people are just going to have this natural ability to be happy and have a natural instinct to enjoy life no matter what happens, but they're a minority. I only really see it in very small children. Most fires have to be started, some one has to light a match. Most people have to find their own reason to fight for life to want to keep going, a lot more fires are started that way.
Even with a match a fire isn't guaranteed. Some time's the wood you're trying to burn is getting rained on, it's wet and all you can get to happen is smoke, a bunch of useless smoke. But when the rain goes away surely then the wood will catch right? Nope, It'll take a few day's for the wood to dry out, even when it seems like it should work and you should have a roaring fire, all the wood will do is smoke. It's frustrating to have all of the right tools and to still not have a fire. But after a few day's that wood will dry out and you'll have a fire. That doesn't mean the fire going to stay alive, A fire needs fuel to keep going, it needs new wood to burn. You have to feed that fire all the time or it will be reduced to embers then ash. If it rains again you have to start all over.
That's a lot like how life is Ella. Right now it's raining, it rained so much that your happy little fire is nothing more then ash. But rain never goes on forever, eventually the sky will clear, when it does that doesn't mean you'll be able to be happy just like that, you have to let your self recover from the rain, you have to dry out, you have to learn how to be happy again. Then you have to decide to light another match and give it one more go, you have to decide that you're ready to get back up and keep living, rain will come again, you'll have to build that fire all over again some times. but as long as your willing to light a match once it's all over you'll have your fire again. ( I apologize for the over the top confusing analogies my brain produces)


oh heck we're getting actual vents
sorry this chat always seems to be painfully off topic
but uh
since we're here right now
(TW btw)

Deleted user

oh heck we're getting actual vents
sorry this chat always seems to be painfully off topic
but uh
since we're here right now
(TW btw)

look, it may not seem like much to you, but i can promise you that it is
this is a huge ass fucking deal
i've been clean for two months now
this takes a lot of self control and while sometimes you do lose that
it's okay.
no one is perfect- if we were, we probably wouldn't be human

forget about your mom-
forget about everything that is making you feel shitty right now, focus on yourself
i know that the type of tiring you're talking about is something else, but do get some sleep
i use it as my coping mechanism sometimes
may not be too good to use it frequently though

how about this? when you feel the urge to do anything of that sort, boil yourself some water and drink some tea-
i've been doing that a lot for the past few days to relief some stress about the things that have happened
not only are you hydrating yourself, but the warmth of it will make you feel, if only a little, better

but most importantly
do not ignore it. there is a reason you feel like doing what you're thinking of
find the source and work on it
sometimes you may not be able to do much about it, but you sure as hell can try

remember. these feelings will pass. they absolutely will. nothing is permanent.
before you know it, you'll be feeling a little better
you have to drag out the urge until it gives up
i guess what im saying is that this takes perseverance and strength
you may not have it now, but due in time you will as you learn to manage all these negative feelings


Welcome to History essays 101. I'm your instructor Relsey, I'll try to make this short.
Any essay consists of three parts, Introduction, Body, Conclusion. All you really need to write a good Essay in any subject is a solid Intro. If you have a good Intro the rest of the essay will fall into place on it's own. The intro has four parts, a Hook, Back ground information, Thesis, and argument. It's an essay with in an Essay if you will. the structure is this, Hook, Back ground information, Thesis, Arguments, Restatement of thesis.
The Hook and the Back ground information can be combined into the same category if we're talking about History essays. Combine the two and you'll have a better flow. "The year is 1918, Bombs have been destroying the once green field's of France for years. an entire generation of men have been wiped out by the Great war. This War to end Wars is about to end. In 1914 the conflict began…" If you make the background information your hook, you'll have a smoother transition, you can slip in extra details with out just saying them, we're all writers here aren't we? History is a huge Epic story to tell, so tell it in you Hook, the Back ground information will flow smoothly into it, think of this like a huge info dump, you're telling the reader anything they might need to know before you continue the essay.
Thesis is next, This section is easier than a lot of people think, so don't over think it. A thesis is just an arguable claim. Depending on the prompt this can take a bit of thinking. If the prompt gives you an argument to say yes or no to, then say yes or no. It doesn't have to be super complicated, If your prompt was, was the French revolution justified, just say, "The french revolution was not justified." Or "The French revolution was justified." Simple. The Prompts that ask you to explain something are a little bit more difficult but not by munch. Let's say the prompt is "Explain X Y and Z." This is secretly the best prompt you can get, I know I said it was more difficult, but all I mean is it means you have to think a little bit harder, really your life will be much easier in the end. For this prompt fins a thesis that allows you to use X, Y, and Z, as your argument. For example if this is your prompt "Explain how Bombing formations airplanes worked in World war two." You're thesis could be, "World War two Revolutionized how we use the Air force.". Next up is Argument.
Now this is where you need to look back at your thesis and figure out what bit's of information make it true.The First Kind of prompt is a little bit more difficult in this situation, Why is the French revolution justified, why isn't it. Think of at least three reasons, they can be very broad. In fact they should be broad it'll make it easier for you to write about them as body paragraphs. The second prompt makes this easy because you just have to explain what you've been asked to explain, if you were only given one or two things to explain, don't worry, just split your explanation into more than one paragraph.
Your body paragraphs will fall into place pretty easily after this, take those three arguments or reasons and write them out, always reference previous arguments in the current one. don't assume your reader will make the connection, you have to make it for them. If you want a really good score add in a counter argument for at least one argument and disprove at least one.
Last is your conclusion, a lot of people I know struggle with it, it's really really simple, flip the order of the intro, seriously that's all you have to do. Thesis, Arguments, Thesis, Background info, Hook. Look at your into and turn it up side down. "World War two Revolutionized how we use the Air force. This can clearly be seen by they way Bombing tactic's were introduced and used. This is also present in how technological advancements were made in air plains. In World war two the air craft was polished and perfected into the war machine it is today. With out World War two The Air force wouldn't have become to force it is today. Think back to the massive bombing raids done in Britten. Modern Air craft was truly created by the Flying fortresses in the 1940's." Or something like that, spend a bit more time on it then I did just their but I think the point has been gotten across.
That's the end enjoy, go write some perfect scoring essays.

@saor_illust school

frick of course it has to be the most inconvenient time when i fall asleep/and/or cannot think of anything to say. i really wanna write something for ella like i've done before, but idk what else to say that hasn't been said before…. it's 3am… but uh, i'll just remind you of one thing. idk if itll help much though…

oh crap that was huge sorry