forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

Whoopee! Just what the doctor ordered:

Inability to walk.

Oof…. Also, the heck!

? What was the 'the heck' for? Did I say something wrong, perhaps?

No, you didn't say anything wrong…. I uh, mostly just felt like saying the heck……..

But also wondering where the 'inability to walk' came from…………..

Why I cannot walk will not be disclosed.

@Anemone eco

Also, sneezing hurt way more than I imagined it would.

It be like that——though currently for me it’s coughing rather than sneezing.

Ah, geez. Hope it gets better for you soon.

Thanks.. it was getting better but it appears to have gotten worse since yesterday morning

Aww, that really sucks dude. I hope it can get back on the right track.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Whoopee! Just what the doctor ordered:

Inability to walk.

Oof…. Also, the heck!

? What was the 'the heck' for? Did I say something wrong, perhaps?

No, you didn't say anything wrong…. I uh, mostly just felt like saying the heck……..

But also wondering where the 'inability to walk' came from…………..

Why I cannot walk will not be disclosed.

Okay. I can respect that. 😊

@Kie group

i jshould go to sleep
but one piuece
onl y 131 mores epiksodes
til i'm ccaughtr up

It'll be worth not sleeping.

@Kie group

Hey now, let's not encourage bad practices.

I'm not encouraging bad practices in my mind. School fucking sucks. Trust me when I say it'll feel so much better to have seen more of a show than to be well rested for something which is so fucking exhausting.

@Kie group

According to my mom I don't have brain cells but thanks lol

I guess have fun finishing the episode then sleeping.

@Kie group

weeee it is 11:54, my letter is due in 5 minutes and i just crave talking to frineds things are going gerwat

@Anemone eco

But, even if school is inherently boring or suck-ish, it will still help you somehow. It's not pointless and you're getting an education for a reason.

@Anemone eco

see, njie
kiee has braincelsls
but i don wanns makem you asad
becausje yoi're my fren
so i';ll fisnish this episodke
tehjn got o bedd

Thank you, Ash.


You're wasting energy fighting the inevitable, you will fall asleep eventually. You'll be able to watch One Piece with out feeling guilty in the morning, you're going to feel guilty about staying up late watching a show, you wont feel guilty about it if you earn it later. One Piece is going to be the treasure at the end of a hard day of school work tomorrow, think of how much more you'll enjoy it knowing you've earned the time to watch it. Think of how much faster you'll work with a prize at the end.

@Kie group

But, even if school is inherently boring or suck-ish, it will still help you somehow. It's not pointless and you're getting an education for a reason.

You sound like my mom. Please tell me we aren't going to get into a 40-minute argument over this when it'll go nowhere and I'll only end up crying. :/

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

You're wasting energy fighting the inevitable, you will fall asleep eventually. You'll be able to watch One Piece with out feeling guilty in the morning, you're going to feel guilty about staying up late watching a show, you wont feel guilty about it if you earn it later. One Piece is going to be the treasure at the end of a hard day of school work tomorrow, think of how much more you'll enjoy it knowing you've earned the time to watch it. Think of how much faster you'll work with a prize at the end.

tyats funnny
beucase the one piece is lefigt a treasurwe inth e shwo itseflf

nkight everyubiody my epsiode endedd
llokve you

@Kie group

Think of how much faster you'll work with a prize at the end.

Not everyone works that way but I guess it's ok advice.

@Anemone eco

But, even if school is inherently boring or suck-ish, it will still help you somehow. It's not pointless and you're getting an education for a reason.

You sound like my mom. Please tell me we aren't going to get into a 40-minute argument over this when it'll go nowhere and I'll only end up crying. :/

No, I won't waste 40 minutes of my life arguing with you, because from you saying that alone I see that you will not change your mind. And I have no interest in arguing with someone whose brain has the flexibility of a brick wall.

@Kie group

But, even if school is inherently boring or suck-ish, it will still help you somehow. It's not pointless and you're getting an education for a reason.

You sound like my mom. Please tell me we aren't going to get into a 40-minute argument over this when it'll go nowhere and I'll only end up crying. :/

No, I won't waste 40 minutes of my life arguing with you, because from you saying that alone I see that you will not change your mind. And I have no interest in arguing with someone whose brain has the flexibility of a brick wall.

Ah, finally somebody who gets it.