forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I had a dream that Miriam wanted me to take this thing to make my eyes turn orange, so I did. It was kinda fluffy and looked a little bit like toothpaste. Three teaspoons a night

You weren't supposed to know about that yet–

Can I PM you the rest of the context? It was really weird but I'm fully aware what occurred last night to make each aspect of the dream happen

y e s

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom, if you get the coronavirus by going to a party I'll kill you before it does >:( you're Not Allowed to die.

Don't worry. The likelihood of me being seriously affected is not the best, but really not bad at all. The younger and more female you are, the better.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I’ve had a feck ton of cavities but i’m still the best in my family when it comes to teeth so far
hopefully that lasts because i might be the only kid to not get braces

I have two cavities right now which makes me sad since we don't really do cavities in this family. But they're not gonna get taken care of for a while bc C.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think you're missing the female part

True. But I think the female part is secondary. A young guy will live where an older female will die. But if the female and male are about the same age, the female has better chances.


i know i was related to an important history person but i don't remember who-

Robert E Lee! It was Robert E Lee. It's been too long since I've done any school to remember who he even is but I'm related to him

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

i know i was related to an important history person but i don't remember who-

Robert E Lee! It was Robert E Lee. It's been too long since I've done any school to remember who he even is but I'm related to him

He was the guy in charge of the Confederate army in the Civil War

@Kie group

How are people actually related to famous people??? Like WTH??? I mean I'm sure half of it is just family members lying but still.


I'm related to some Scottish royalty. We had a castle and everything. But then the chick who made us royal stepped down to get married to the peasant guy she digged.


I'm related to the director of The Princess Bride (pretty distantly lol)

Ok but I think that's incredibly cool lol

@HighPockets group

I'm related to the director of The Princess Bride (pretty distantly lol)

Ok but I think that's incredibly cool lol

Thanks, it's one of my favorite movies!