forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

to be completely honest
i know i am Extremely Catholic<TM but i really hate the idea of an afterlife
it’s fecking terrifying, regardless of where you end up
having to continue existing forever… and ever… and ever…
80 years already sounds like hell i don’t want any more

i’m hoping there’s either rebirth or just no longer existing because that would be a lot less scary imo

See, I'm the opposite. I'm not extremely catholic, but believing in an afterlife and that I'll see everyone again is what makes me not fear death.

Deleted user

I think when you're dead, you're dead. Maybe a rebirth.
But as an Agnostic Wiccan, I don't believe in Heaven or Hell. And that's why I'm afraid of dying, despite my battle with suicide.

Deleted user

hah I most recently started believing in philosophy (I think I finally settled down; I might start actually practicing it soon). More specifically, I believe in Stoicism, and they believe in Momento Mori or “Remember death”. They don’t believe in being afraid of death, but rather if you live your life ethically and freely, without fear of death (for it is just natural), death will treat you kindly. It’s so fascinating and honestly, ngl, I kinda love it. If you’re interested in more, you should definitely PM me.


Nothing is wrong with your brain, @NutEllaDraws.
We are who we are. There are people out there who love you, flaws and all. <3

@saor_illust school

Pickles, can we trade brains?

My brain decided that I should go try to sleep at 3am this morning, and then lay there unable to fall asleep for one and a half hours, and then fall asleep for thirty minutes before my brain so rudely awakens me.

Why am I still functioning???
Please explain
(no you don't have to i'm just highkey confused)

@Pickles group

Pickles, can we trade brains?

My brain decided that I should go try to sleep at 3am this morning, and then lay there unable to fall asleep for one and a half hours, and then fall asleep for thirty minutes before my brain so rudely awakens me.

Why am I still functioning???
Please explain
(no you don't have to i'm just highkey confused)

Sure but I'm obligated to give you the disclaimer that brain doesn't work well either

@saor_illust school

Oop, can relate-
Isn't insomnia great?

Yeah haha
Although normally I like,,,
haven't been able to function with a couple hours more sleep than this ??????
brain, wtf are you doing???
YOu know very well the effects of sleep deprivation
heck, you wrote an entire essay to a friend
on why they should sleep
so WhY aRe YOU doiNg thiS to mE????

@saor_illust school

Pickles, can we trade brains?

My brain decided that I should go try to sleep at 3am this morning, and then lay there unable to fall asleep for one and a half hours, and then fall asleep for thirty minutes before my brain so rudely awakens me.

Why am I still functioning???
Please explain
(no you don't have to i'm just highkey confused)

Sure but I'm obligated to give you the disclaimer that brain doesn't work well either

It probably functions better than mine atm
I'm ready to ship said brain whenever you are

@Kie group

I made the mistake of staying up till 4 AM. I only got four hours of sleep and have been up for three hours. I do not feel emotion any longer. Just heavy.

@saor_illust school


things just got a whole lot worse for me
they cancelled japan trip
the school did
and that's important
it means we're not getting refunded
for all the money we spent
if the airport had cancelled, we'd get a refund
but NO
its the schools decision
now im never gonna be able to meet kasane
maybe i can ask her if maybe she wanted to be pen pals
cause i do have her address i think

but im so upsetttttttttt

@saor_illust school

Hm, I might just split up my brain
Pickles can have half of it and you can have…
Wait, but Pickles and I are exchanging brains
idk what i should do
eh, ill just send pickles my brain
if she wants, you can have some or all of it