forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

If you're ever in a super, super suicidal state
Write a suicide note.
It really puts into perspective what you're thinking about doing, and once you realize how many people you're apologizing to and how much you have to say, you'll realize that this isn't it. There's too much to lose. You can't go like this.
That's what I did yesterday.
It helped.
And I sent it to a friend after I explained what I did and he apparently cried for an hour.

Deleted user

I‘ve written extremely dramatic things while in states such as this, and it lead to me breaking down lmfao

@Pickles group

Holy cow this is a lot.

We've had a drama filled day. And a drama filled month. So the more aggressive ones are being aggressive.

Yes I am
We've had enough drama this month to fill the entirety of Britain's teacups on a semi-permanent basis

Oh haaaaaiii USA~

We've had enough drama to fill all of Boston Harbor

And that's just from the thing earlier today honestly

Deleted user

I'm only showing you this because I want to show how it helps me, and none of us seem to be in a good place right now
so no, this isn't for pity or whatever.
I just want to show you how badly I was doing last night and how that changed after using the note strategy.

Deleted user

I just became painfully overwhelmed with emotion after I finished the Sanders Sides video
One Piece time
Only 173 episodes 'til I'm caught up

I feel like i could binge watch any anime with you.

@Kie group

Ah, totally. Totally didn't think hypostraphes even though that isn't even a thing. NVM turns out that is a thing?

@Kie group

It means they're allergic to hypos

Hypos meaning hippos with poor typing habits

Mmm funny I see what you mean

@Pickles group

It means they're allergic to hypos

Hypos meaning hippos with poor typing habits

Hippos except their parents wanted to be more unique

So… Millennial hippos