forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Kie group

imawing likein enflwishl

plwase nhelp i have ben losing my abouiltity to spell recently kjsdf it haoepsn ever so often and is not fun because my foiwneds make mems out of it

@Kie group

Turn on Grammarly. Problem solved.

gframmley is delad toem me? i cnal triy but no guarantees it will aoctually help my casedh.

Deleted user

my mom saw that I haven't left my bed all day and understood why I couldn't do anything
now I just have to email my teachers
I want to fucking die

Deleted user

She understood?! That's great news!

But I hate talking to her about my mental health. So now I feel worse.