forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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isn’t it awkward when you’re putting makeup on for the first time in months as a way of calming down and passing time but then your sister walks in and you remember this isn’t your makeup and you aren’t even supposed to be in there in the first place

@Moxie group

i hate you humans
i hate every single fucking one of you
i just wish certain people would drop dead, gone, never to be missed or cared about
…and guess who happens to be on that list-

i have so many ways i could go right now
it wouldn’t even take long
if only i had the bravery to go through with it…

okay what the hell happened last night-

i don’t hate you guys… you’re the best people i’ve ever known…

i’m so sorry-

We know dude, don't worry about it


Legit didn't even think anything of it
We know you
We know that you wouldn't actually mean anything like that lol

@Moxie group

Legit didn't even think anything of it
We know you
We know that you wouldn't actually mean anything like that lol

Yeah that's exactly it
Maddie summed it up perfectly

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I can't stop laughing
I'm in English and this one kid was making a joke about a picture book
He pointed to the word 'mad'
and was like 'can you help me with this word?'

And the teacher was like 'alright what sound does the first letter make?'
And continued going along with it

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

What's wrong, Sy?

Last night my friend and co-writer has decided to step back from the story we've been working on, Demon's Hunt, so that she can focus on her own projects. I can understand why she wants to step back, however we have several different ideas that we have yet to incorporate into the story itself…. I'm afraid that we'll forget what those ideas are, and whether or not she'll want to continue working on DH at some unidentified future time.

Deleted user

I found a box of crystals and gemstones and crap and I have no clue what any of them are help

send pictures

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

It does suck…. It sucks big time, especially with how far in we got; we already had the next two hunts (chapters) and a lot of concepts planned out. Plus we both loved our characters and their relationship (Wale)…. Heartbroken and now mourning the loss…. RIP WALE!!!!!

Deleted user

you all were being so nice to me too and to say something so awful like that… i-

Ella we know you
We know that to say something like that you must've been hurting badly
And we don't hate you
I actually find you one of the coolest people here
So don't worry Ella
if anyone should die, it should be me. you're fine


Guys help
I have to do a persuasive speech
And I'm already crying
I'm fucking terrified
It's even private (I requested to not do it in front of the class)
But my stupid anxiety is over here just fucking boolin


you ever just really want to talk to someone, anyone, about anything in the world
but also don't want to because you don't feel safe around anyone, not even your family, and you just want to hide in a small room away from everything around you
…but you also really want to talk to someone

@Pickles group

you ever just really want to talk to someone, anyone, about anything in the world
but also don't want to because you don't feel safe around anyone, not even your family, and you just want to hide in a small room away from everything around you
…but you also really want to talk to someone
