forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@saor_illust school

heck i fell asleep again and i missed two of my friends in distress why must my body require so many hours of sleep ??? things would be so much better if i didn't need sleep…

anyways, time to shove a smile on my face and help my frens
ella: there's so, so, so many reasons why we appreciate you, 'kay ?
i've been in similar situations, so i think i have a good idea of what you're feeling
it sucks to feel that way, it really does. but lemme tell you something
no matter how we feel at times like these, just know that these dark thoughts that your brain is conjuring, the ones that tell you that everyone is better off without you, your brain is lying to you.
and what dom said ?
sleep does help sometimes. to take a break from all the bad thoughts and feelings,
to have temporary relief from all the stress and everything that's going on around you
it works.
it may not work 100% of the time, but most of the time it does
so try to rest some
and we'll see you in the morning
i love you fren <3
hope you feel better soon

and to mir: what's wrong, fren ?
can i help with anything ?
big big biggest hugs @ fren


i hate you humans
i hate every single fucking one of you
i just wish certain people would drop dead, gone, never to be missed or cared about
…and guess who happens to be on that list-

i have so many ways i could go right now
it wouldn’t even take long
if only i had the bravery to go through with it…

okay what the hell happened last night-

i don’t hate you guys… you’re the best people i’ve ever known…

i’m so sorry-

@Anemone eco

I can't really tell you. You said something along the lines of "I should be gone by now" a few attempts to comfort you and trying to convince you otherwise later, you said that.


my neck, shoulders, and arms are aching like heck
my face feels like it’s made of styrofoam
my stomach feels like there’s a hole in it
and my eyes are so light sensitive i can barely see

…did i sleep upside down or something? what the-

@saor_illust school

it's okay, ella.

we all do weird and wacky things when we're extremely upset

i never held anything against you last night
nor do i now

i still love you vv much fren <3

@saor_illust school

idk man
i kinda wanna unmute that one toxic friend i have again (on discord)
cause a fresh wave of guilt washed over me
i'm not gonna be there for them anymore !
cause what if they really need me
for an actual thing
not just something they lied about ??
argh i hate this
some please remind me
(and be very blunt and persuasive)
exactly why i shouldn't unmute this 'friend' (for the second time)

@Anemone eco

You said it, Iz. They're toxic. They'll more than likely only use you for their selfish will. They've lied to you before apparently, so why wouldn't they do it again? Don't give them more chances than they deserve, Izzy. It's clearly not worth it. You'll save yourself in the end if you just don't.


idk man
i kinda wanna unmute that one toxic friend i have again (on discord)
cause a fresh wave of guilt washed over me
i'm not gonna be there for them anymore !
cause what if they really need me
for an actual thing
not just something they lied about ??
argh i hate this
some please remind me
(and be very blunt and persuasive)
exactly why i shouldn't unmute this 'friend' (for the second time)

don’t do it
they are toxic and you deserve better
besides, they can always find someone else to vent to if they’re desperate

@saor_illust school

blehhh on top of everything life has thrown at me
it doesn't help that i'm not feeling…
particularly talkative today
like,,, i just flatout don't want to talk to anyone today
except for a few certain humans
and one human whom i feel obliged to talk to at times

@Pickles group

idk man
i kinda wanna unmute that one toxic friend i have again (on discord)
cause a fresh wave of guilt washed over me
i'm not gonna be there for them anymore !
cause what if they really need me
for an actual thing
not just something they lied about ??
argh i hate this
some please remind me
(and be very blunt and persuasive)
exactly why i shouldn't unmute this 'friend' (for the second time)

Make them suffer back. They deserve it.

@saor_illust school

how ?? they've been there for me when i've needed it. they've told me exactly what i've needed to hear in tough times. this is why i still feel guilty about muting them…

@Pickles group

how ?? they've been there for me when i've needed it. they've told me exactly what i've needed to hear in tough times. this is why i still feel guilty about muting them…

okay well they're either that or toxic and now I'm confused

@saor_illust school

they've spun up a whole story for i don't even know how long. took me on an emotional rollercoaster, and only recently have i discovered that they've been lying. i think they're generally a good person… when they're lying, but i know they're just gonna keep doing this to me over and over. i gave them a second chance, and they did it again. i had a whole panic attack over them, for heaven's sake ! i was actually worried that they weren't gonna make it to the next day ! but of course, you don't just pass out and wake up in the middle of a forest…