forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I'm trying to imagine Dom wearing something other than polo shirts and khakis but I literally cannot

Polo shirts, Hawaiian shirts (you know, the ones dads where on vacation), or a full tux

Deleted user

I'm trying to imagine Dom wearing something other than polo shirts and khakis but I literally cannot

Polo shirts, Hawaiian shirts (you know, the ones dads where on vacation), or a full tux

He would be the guy who shows up as a guest as wedding dressed better than the groom


I am much mad.
I got ready, and I looked fabulous tonight if I do say so myself, and guess what??
The show is cancelled. The musical I was going to tonight is cancelled due to a mechanical breakdown.


Uhh well most of my friends are busy with work and/or families, and we're kind of a broke right now so going out for dinner is out of the question, but I could at least walk to the shops to buy something for dinner. That'd be a start.
But maybe I can conserve the look until tomorrow since I've got opening night tomorrow for wss

Deleted user

I would go out on the town!
Buy yourself something nice!
Why not good good two nights in a row?


I was in the same car as a sick person for an hour and a half. I really don't want to get sick but I can already feel my immune system shutting down


Well I've got some things working against me lmao. Lack of sleep, I drink milk in my coffee and I'm eating pizza, plus I had no breakfast and a single kitkat. I'm fucked

You should start a youtube channel, Mox

Deleted user

I love how Dom still isn't online because he's going to come back to a solid two pages of love roasts discussing how many pairs of khakis he has

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

and a male flute?

nah he’s homosexual

Oh. Nah, he's not. He's Asian and his mom makes him play a bunch of instruments. He's like… Dom, but less flamboyant and more into murder

Idk folks, I do like murder. Eris and I thought about taking Onion Boy out, remember? I only backed out because I only kill people I have a personal connection to.

He's more of a "let's kill all our problems haha jk I mean unless" and a "let me tell you how I would kill you using midieval weaponry if I were going to kill you"

Honestly I agree
I imagine meeting Dom for the first time would consist mostly of him staring into your soul and when you ask why he would explain all the different methods of killing you he could imagine, but then he would end the conversation with a pat on the back and a dad joke

And the mandatory hip attempt
And a "nice chat"

Why do I feel like there would be a salute somewhere in there?

There just might be.