forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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I'm dying inside because my dad had a big Thanksgiving party and all our family is here and I feel like Garbage compared to them. My only talents are reading, writing(?), and rapping NF songs. I am pure trash and have no other talents. I'm not logical like my stepbrother or funny like my uncle. I can't even go outside of the bathroom right now.

Deleted user


Someone with a basic understanding of technology please help me-
dear gosh I feel like my grandma

Ah–Well I work for one of the biggest tech companies in the world….?


Okay so I was just happily playing sudoku on my phone like the 5-year-old boomer I am
Then I got a really really sketchy ad (as shown below)

I’ve seen this ad before, it’s usually no big deal, I just close it and it goes away
But you know how when you tap 0.005 centimeters away from the X button you immediately get taken to one link which then takes you to another that takes you to the App Store?
That happened, it opened the first link, I closed the tab and the browser, everything was normal.

…Well I just got a text from an unknown number saying I’ve been charged $9.99 for the subscription thing???
I didn’t verify it, I didn’t type any passcodes, I didn’t give the ad my freaking number, I don’t even think I have any money on this phone since it’s not even a month old, I’m broke, and I haven’t even connected Apple Pay or whatever-
How does this even work???
It’s probably a scam to scare people into clicking a suspicious link or something but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to ignore it
Do I have a virus?
Is my dad going to get some suspicious bill?
How did it text me?
Did I just manage to accidentally destroy my brand new phone???
I don’t know how to check if it actually charged me but I don’t want to cause what if that somehow gives the scam ad my parents bank account or something
I dunno but I’m scared

Deleted user

That's an actual app, not a scam lol
It should have gone to whatever account is linked to the device
Like, what you've used for other apps and stuff
The money has quite possible been taken out

Deleted user

“Charges will appear on your phone bill…” (near the bottom of the screenshot)

I’d talk to your parents about it an explain what’s going on. Just tell them you tried to x out of the ad and show them the screenshot for proof and see if they can cancel it for you.


Okay so I was just happily playing sudoku on my phone like the 5-year-old boomer I am
Then I got a really really sketchy ad (as shown below)

I’ve seen this ad before, it’s usually no big deal, I just close it and it goes away
But you know how when you tap 0.005 centimeters away from the X button you immediately get taken to one link which then takes you to another that takes you to the App Store?
That happened, it opened the first link, I closed the tab and the browser, everything was normal.

…Well I just got a text from an unknown number saying I’ve been charged $9.99 for the subscription thing???
I didn’t verify it, I didn’t type any passcodes, I didn’t give the ad my freaking number, I don’t even think I have any money on this phone since it’s not even a month old, I’m broke, and I haven’t even connected Apple Pay or whatever-
How does this even work???
It’s probably a scam to scare people into clicking a suspicious link or something but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to ignore it
Do I have a virus?
Is my dad going to get some suspicious bill?
How did it text me?
Did I just manage to accidentally destroy my brand new phone???
I don’t know how to check if it actually charged me but I don’t want to cause what if that somehow gives the scam ad my parents bank account or something
I dunno but I’m scared

But in all seriousness, it might be fine as long as you didn't give them info. If you are really worried tell your parents. But you probably didn't do anything. And if you did, your parents might understand. I say might because I don't know them. They might be trying to scare you.

Deleted user

It’s an ad for like, a whole service of ad-free games, even though the game they’re advertising is that one. It’s eye catching and it’s called marketing.


That's an actual app, not a scam lol

Subway surfers is
But this wasn’t that app
This was a subscription scam claiming it would give you that game and many more along with thousands of dollars in rewards for that subscription price
I know because every time I get the ad it shows a different game and slightly different text
The one I accidentally clicked on had a Call Of Duty game I believe

Deleted user

“Charges will appear on your phone bill…” (near the bottom of the screenshot)

I’d talk to your parents about it an explain what’s going on. Just tell them you tried to x out of the ad and show them the screenshot for proof and see if they can cancel it for you.


Well call of duty is stupid so don't click on it. No offense if you like it.

I don’t even know what it is other than a generic game involving pew pew guns so I’m definitely not offended


Well call of duty is stupid so don't click on it. No offense if you like it.

I don’t even know what it is other than a generic game involving pew pew guns so I’m definitely not offended

Good for you not following the idiot pew-pew gamers

Deleted user

Ahhh unless you have your phone hooked up to a card on the app store it can't charge you.
and then you have to confirm the payment via password/finger print.

I think it's just a scam, but I would tell your parents just in case.


“Charges will appear on your phone bill…” (near the bottom of the screenshot)

I’d talk to your parents about it an explain what’s going on. Just tell them you tried to x out of the ad and show them the screenshot for proof and see if they can cancel it for you.

…but talking to them is scary, they already barely trust me with this phone and I’d have to explain why the protector is broken even though I’ve only had it for a few weeks and my dad would probably get frustrated and it’s thanksgiving I don’t want to scare them-

oh dear god I am such a baby

You are not a baby, I'd be nervous too. It's okay to be nervous about disappointing your parents.

Deleted user

I think it’d be better to bring it up to them then to make them find out. Talk to them about it tomorrow.

Deleted user

don’t prepare anything just show them the screenshot and the text and explain that you clicked it on accident

Deleted user

idk that makes me feel worse

just like, don’t think too much about it and don’t get in s bunch about it


Haha turns out I didn’t get a choice
While we were talking I got a text from my mom saying her account just got charged $9.99 so I had to walk out of my room and explain it right then
My parents reacted very calmly (as they usually do, I honestly don’t know why I was so scared-) and said they’d tackle it, they can afford a $10 screw-up, it wasn’t my fault, etc.
So we should be good now
I hope