forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

it’s stupid

bruh I had this argument with some kid what bus sides were made of and he tried telling me it was made of titanium


@Pickles group

That reminds me. My friend wants to make a titanium flute and attach a knife to the crown. To stab people and be pretty he swears up and down he's not gay

Deleted user

My friend and I are the only female flutes in my band. Other than that it's three straight dudes.

@Pickles group

and a male flute?

nah he’s homosexual

Oh. Nah, he's not. He's Asian and his mom makes him play a bunch of instruments. He's like… Dom, but less flamboyant and more into murder

@HighPockets group

That reminds me. My friend wants to make a titanium flute and attach a knife to the crown. To stab people and be pretty he swears up and down he's not gay

Soro has entered the chat
Go read the Monsters of Verity, they're great books!!

Deleted user

Yeah. We decided to try to research something that would be strong but sound okay but we gave up after five minutes

Silver is probably the strongest and the prettiest since the metal’s super malleable but it’s


easy to find or buy

Deleted user

and a male flute?

nah he’s homosexual

Oh. Nah, he's not. He's Asian and his mom makes him play a bunch of instruments. He's like… Dom, but less flamboyant and more into murder




Deleted user

There's a character who kills people with a murder flute and they're great.

Is it me?


@HighPockets group

There's a character who kills people with a murder flute and they're great.

I'm significantly more interested

It's about a badass girl and a soft boi monster who plays the violin and they fight monsters and I love it

Deleted user

There's a character who kills people with a murder flute and they're great.

Is it me?


You're Soro, I'm Kate


Deleted user

That was all very random for a venting chat!!!

idk i think if anyone cared it would be Ella, so

also the conversation is over now so cool beans

any vents?