forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

Upload it to google drive

This. This one. But how does one do this from an iPad?

Idk google it

You can probably upload it to a doc or something and then share the link idk

Deleted user

Really boring ADHD brain LOL! but I think I can do it. Have to go check because I already forgot it all but hey we’re watching Tangled yay!

Omg Tangled

Deleted user

Isn’t it deliciously creepy that Gothel calls her “Flower”?

so deliciously creepy


Open Google Drive
Upload photo from camera roll
Wait for photo to upload
Turn on link sharing
Share link with us

Or on Notebook-
Make character
Open gallery tab
Upload photo to gallery
Wait for photo to upload
Then either make the character public and share with us or click the uploaded photo so that it opens, copy the link at the top, and share that with us