forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Anemone eco

Disney parade and other marching band stuff. We go every four years so everyone goes once and if we don't go this year, I won't get to go

Ah. That sucks, Pickles. I hope you get to go.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I have so much bottled up anger and I really want to vent about something but I don't have anything to vent about at the moment so I'm gonna vent about my lack of things to vent about

@Pickles group

Mint is disgusting.
The rest of our winterguard season got canceled. I'm sad

US TOO!! I was really looking forward to semi-state this weekend… now we'll never get to do our show again…

Because WGI canceled all theirs and MEPA does what WGI does. We're all mad. And district contest for band got canceled. Everything is canceled. If our trip to Disney gets canceled too, I'm going to scream

We're going to Disney on the monday after this coming one. It's close, and I will throw hands if they cancel it. When are y'all going?

Beginning of April. I wish it was sooner because Disney would have less time to decide to close the parks.
Every winterguard person I've seen in the hallway today has been crying. I'm pulling a Dom and trying my best to compartmentalize. Not really going well.

One of my friends said I look like a snack today. Um thanks? I really don't, though

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

another update: i have to work tonight. i can barely walk and i literally just got out of bed. my brother came over and when i wasn't asleep, he was crying. i hate seeing him like that and he was crying because of the state i'm in (i asked him and i am an empath so… im not making that up i promse.)

i just want death honestly…

I'm sorry, Ruby.

@Moxie group

I've been having so many weird moments recently of like "oh my god. I exist and I have a body and a face and other people look at me and they see me and they see my face all the time." And its very annoying and infuriating that I keep realizing this cause like. Duh. Yeah thats a thing now lets get over it and move on with our lives. But then the other part of me is like "oh my god. Oh my god thats so weird and scary and freaky". I feel like my brain is either panicking slightly or exasperated with myself rn. I would like whatever this crisis is to stop please.

@Pickles group

We got two of our pieces for our next concert and I'm really excited. I didn't get to play piccolo the past concert, but there's a piccolo part on both of them. I haven't seen the third one yet or our combined piece with the other band, but I'm already happy


I've been having so many weird moments recently of like "oh my god. I exist and I have a body and a face and other people look at me and they see me and they see my face all the time." And its very annoying and infuriating that I keep realizing this cause like. Duh. Yeah thats a thing now lets get over it and move on with our lives. But then the other part of me is like "oh my god. Oh my god thats so weird and scary and freaky". I feel like my brain is either panicking slightly or exasperated with myself rn. I would like whatever this crisis is to stop please.


I just keep forgetting that real life is, you know, real and not just some secondary illusion that just kind of exists outside my brain
And so every time I jump back to it I just start freaking out like "oh gOD I EXIST AND EVERYTHING'S SO tHREE DIMENSIONAL WHICH IS WEIRD" and then it's like "duh, of course, i've been here for 14 years, it's always like this" but then i start freaking out again cause "oh gOD I'VE BEEN HERE FOR 14 YEARS" and it just repeats the cycle until I start freak out so hard that I zone out into the infinite void not to see earth for another week

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Apparently my march break is three times longer due to corona virus concerns now so WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
But this also means less notebook so BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Deleted user

My school's probably going to close, my teacher gave me the next 3 units' worth of assignments just in case.

Our teachers have sent out those emails that say "DO NOT PANIC but we might all die close school"

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I've been having so many weird moments recently of like "oh my god. I exist and I have a body and a face and other people look at me and they see me and they see my face all the time."

I don't really see your face. Which might be obvious.

@Moxie group

I've been having so many weird moments recently of like "oh my god. I exist and I have a body and a face and other people look at me and they see me and they see my face all the time."

I don't really see your face. Which might be obvious.

Good. All interactions should be more like internet interactions. No one look at my face. I don't need people to have confirmation that I exist.

@HighPockets group

My school's probably going to close, my teacher gave me the next 3 units' worth of assignments just in case.

Our teachers have sent out those emails that say "DO NOT PANIC but we might all die close school"

Didn't the governor ban all gathers of over 250 people? My school is really big though, so I won't be surprised if it gets cancelled.

Deleted user

another update: i have to work tonight. i can barely walk and i literally just got out of bed. my brother came over and when i wasn't asleep, he was crying. i hate seeing him like that and he was crying because of the state i'm in (i asked him and i am an empath so… im not making that up i promse.)

i just want death honestly…

I'm sorry, Ruby.

i’m just fucking over this honestly. and i know it’s my own fault for getting in this state so…

@Pickles group

My school's probably going to close, my teacher gave me the next 3 units' worth of assignments just in case.

Our teachers have sent out those emails that say "DO NOT PANIC but we might all die close school"

Didn't the governor ban all gathers of over 250 people? My school is really big though, so I won't be surprised if it gets cancelled.

Oop- ours is over 100