forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

@insanity if you could actually tell us what the hell is going on that'd be great

Could you be anymore calloused?

That isn't the point.
The point is that to help you, we need to know what's happening.
Constantly beating around the bush and only posting dramatic passive aggressive sentences gets us nowhere.

Yeah that's great
Still didn't have to be a jerk about it

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It’s when you have a sexuality that is fluid/changing. Your sexuality isn’t always the same

K. 'Cause it read like Attracted to Bros and Lol. Would I ever be attracted to a bro? No way! laughs nervously


I don't even know how to describe most of these feelings but here we go I guess
First of all I feel like I'm on autopilot all the time without fail, like I'm not in control of my body. And then sometimes I'll think back to a few hours ago and draw a complete blank on what I did. And then sometimes, I don't recognise people I've known all my life. Most of the time it's myself in the mirror, but the other day I didn't recognise my mom or my house, and then later on the shop I've been volunteering at for like 2 years. I'll just look up and suddenly be clueless as to where I am.
Then, other times, I feel like I'm not real. Today for example I was in town and there were normal colourful buildings around but they seemed so huge and grey and terrifying and I have no idea why. And then tonight I was just looking out my window and I suddenly felt like nothing was real, like everything was just not there, I don't know how to explain it.
I just feel so disconnected and distant and numb from everything all the time. This is probably all normal stuff but I don't know, I've just never felt this before

Deleted user

@insanity if you could actually tell us what the hell is going on that'd be great

Could you be anymore calloused?

That isn't the point.
The point is that to help you, we need to know what's happening.
Constantly beating around the bush and only posting dramatic passive aggressive sentences gets us nowhere.

Yeah that's great
Still didn't have to be a jerk about it

Sorry if you took that as being a jerk, I guess.
I don't.

@Anemone eco

I don't even know how to describe most of these feelings but here we go I guess
First of all I feel like I'm on autopilot all the time without fail, like I'm not in control of my body. And then sometimes I'll think back to a few hours ago and draw a complete blank on what I did. And then sometimes, I don't recognise people I've known all my life. Most of the time it's myself in the mirror, but the other day I didn't recognise my mom or my house, and then later on the shop I've been volunteering at for like 2 years. I'll just look up and suddenly be clueless as to where I am.
Then, other times, I feel like I'm not real. Today for example I was in town and there were normal colourful buildings around but they seemed so huge and grey and terrifying and I have no idea why. And then tonight I was just looking out my window and I suddenly felt like nothing was real, like everything was just not there, I don't know how to explain it.
I just feel so disconnected and distant and numb from everything all the time. This is probably all normal stuff but I don't know, I've just never felt this before

Okay, so my first guess on what's going on(with the whole forgetting thing) is that you're suffering from memory loss. I'm not sure what's going on with the lack of control of your body and I'm sorry I can't help you there without it being better explained(I think). And I'm also unsure about the whole "not real" ordeal. Sorry, I know I'm not all that helpful. All I can really do is provide emotional support seeing that I have no real knowledge on what's happening.

@Pickles group

Hi yes that also happens to me and what I'm currently trying to do is learn how to be mindful which is supposed to help with paying attention and not being on autopilot and stuff. It's kind of working but I'm also not good at being nice
The feeling like I'm not real thing also happens to me but I don't know why or how to fix it so I'd suggest talking to your therapist if you have one (idk if they'd be able to help. I don't have one) or your parents

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

Whenever someone says they're sad, I have to help because that person could be the best gosh darn person on the planet, but they might not have anybody there for them. I know that when I used to not have friends, I wanted someone to listen to me. We've all been through some dark times, but I want everybody to see that it gets better. My two best friends in the world killed themselves last year, and I just wish I had been there to help, but they never asked me for help. I'll try to help every person who asks.

that's really sweet… thanks…
now if i had only had the courage last night to post that vent but i'm never going to post it now because i don't like being judged…

You won't be judged, not by me at least

@saor_illust school

yeah, i know a lot of people are more than willing to be totally judgement-free if someone asks for it before posting a vent, but i just- i'm scared by even the thought of people judging me, and it keeps me from posting certain things…

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

y'all I've been trying so hard to hold it together (bc I'm out of the house 13 hours a day, can't let people see me down) and I want to cry sometimes. Then it just… goes away. Like I almost had a feeling, and then it's gone. I'm so sick and tired of just feeling tired. I have to keep pretending like something's happening, when nothing is happening. My life is just so gray right now. There used to always be something happening (it was mostly bad), but now it's driving me crazy to wait for something to happen or trying to make things happen and nothing happening.

tl;dr, I'm going crazy.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

I feel like I'm empty inside. Like if you carved out my heart and cut it open, it would just be hollow. I want to just stare out the window and send all the empty out there. I want to feel awful, I want to feel good, I want to do everything and not be A Depressed Honors Kid TM forever


I'm so sick and tired of just feeling tired. I have to keep pretending like something's happening, when nothing is happening. My life is just so gray right now.

I feel that so much, my friend, I really do

@Pickles group

I'm so sick and tired of just feeling tired. I have to keep pretending like something's happening, when nothing is happening. My life is just so gray right now.

I feel that so much, my friend, I really do

Oh same. I'll do my best to list some things that might help at least a little

  • do some intense worldbuilding (just make up a new world, you don't even have to write anything for it. Sometimes helps me, sometimes makes it worse)
  • bake something/make dinner
  • eat something new for breakfast
  • take a different way to your classes in the hallway
  • change up your routine a lil
  • find a new song
  • join a club
  • watch a sunrise (? I feel like that wouldn't really help me all that much, but it seems to be fairly common in stereotypical movies, ya know? Might be worth a shot)

@Pickles group

Wait. Some people really watch wheel of fortune to watch the lady walk back and forth?? This is a joke right???? It can't be a real thing. it can't

@HighPockets group

Wait. Some people really watch wheel of fortune to watch the lady walk back and forth?? This is a joke right???? It can't be a real thing. it can't

The Straights are at it again.