forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I'm here to listen to everything. It sounds like a lot to carry by yourself.


izzy, made sure jake is okay… you can say its about nia but just please make sure he is okay

Deleted user

@insanity if you could actually tell us what the hell is going on that'd be great


My brother was first chair snare at state, did you see him?

Is his name Ethan?

Nope. Are there multiple all states in different places so people don't have to travel so far?

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

My brother was first chair snare at state, did you see him?

Is his name Ethan?

Nope. Are there multiple all states in different places so people don't have to travel so far?

I dunno. I was in Jr. All State, so that may be it. (I wasn't tryin to b tricky, I just forgot that All-State was a whole other thing)


i'm not having a good time with my mental state right now, can i just have hugs and inspiration to keep going?

big big hugs

whenever I'm having trouble finding a reason to keep going, I think about my favorite people in the whole world. People who have truly changed my life. All the time we've spent together, all the laughs we've shared, all the hard times we've endured together, and all the warm hugs.
I remember just how much they mean to me, and how much I enjoy their presence.
then I take a moment to imagine what my life would be like without them…

if I were to give up, i'd never get to see them again. Their smiles, their jokes, that stupid little "pro-vegan salute" they made up just for your friendship…
it'd all be gone

not only that, but those amazing people…? they would be left permanently torn apart, having such an important friend/family member taken away from them so early…
something people often forget is that in most cases, your loved ones would be just as heartbroken if they lost you as you would losing them. it doesn't matter what you've done in the past or how long it's been since you've last spoken, they would miss you so much more then you could ever understand…
you are so important to them.

…and so that's why I keep going
even though I don't see any hope for myself or my future
I see those people
those people mean everything
even just one of them is worth every little pain life could throw at me
and if staying through it would make them happy, then by gosh hecking golly i'm gonna stay here until God himself tears me off this planet with the force of a billion possessed hungry vampire ants-
or at least that's what i tell myself

Deleted user

@insanity if you could actually tell us what the hell is going on that'd be great

Could you be anymore calloused?

it’s okay, i brought it upon myself…

@saor_illust school

sorry for the long, late reply, i seem to have gotten a little carried away with the keyboard there

it's okay ella
i understand
thank you <3
i'm feeling much better now

@Pickles group

My brother was first chair snare at state, did you see him?

Is his name Ethan?

Nope. Are there multiple all states in different places so people don't have to travel so far?

I dunno. I was in Jr. All State, so that may be it. (I wasn't tryin to b tricky, I just forgot that All-State was a whole other thing)

Could you… Live in different states?

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

i'm not having a good time with my mental state right now, can i just have hugs and inspiration to keep going?

big big hugs

whenever I'm having trouble finding a reason to keep going, I think about my favorite people in the whole world. People who have truly changed my life. All the time we've spent together, all the laughs we've shared, all the hard times we've endured together, and all the warm hugs.
I remember just how much they mean to me, and how much I enjoy their presence.
then I take a moment to imagine what my life would be like without them…

if I were to give up, i'd never get to see them again. Their smiles, their jokes, that stupid little "pro-vegan salute" they made up just for your friendship…
it'd all be gone

not only that, but those amazing people…? they would be left permanently torn apart, having such an important friend/family member taken away from them so early…
something people often forget is that in most cases, your loved ones would be just as heartbroken if they lost you as you would losing them. it doesn't matter what you've done in the past or how long it's been since you've last spoken, they would miss you so much more then you could ever understand…
you are so important to them.

…and so that's why I keep going
even though I don't see any hope for myself or my future
I see those people
those people mean everything
even just one of them is worth every little pain life could throw at me
and if staying through it would make them happy, then by gosh hecking golly i'm gonna stay here until God himself tears me off this planet with the force of a billion possessed hungry vampire ants-
or at least that's what i tell myself

Whenever someone says they're sad, I have to help because that person could be the best gosh darn person on the planet, but they might not have anybody there for them. I know that when I used to not have friends, I wanted someone to listen to me. We've all been through some dark times, but I want everybody to see that it gets better. My two best friends in the world killed themselves last year, and I just wish I had been there to help, but they never asked me for help. I'll try to help every person who asks.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

But I have a quiz I'm not ready for.
And fitness testing.
And I wasn't supposed to be in school today.
Also I was stupid and only had a banana for breakfast.
I want to DIE.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I basically just failed the quiz and the time to get caught up is a time I can't make it to I am SCREWED.
Upside is that I got honor roll for last semester!