forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

@insanity if you could actually tell us what the hell is going on that'd be great

Could you be anymore calloused?

it’s okay, i brought it upon myself…

No you didn’t
You don’t deserve that and you didn’t do anything wrong here

@Moxie group

Or maybe, maybe we shouldn’t judge other people’s identities because that’s what makes them feel good and comfortable with themself, and we shouldn’t say that the thing that makes them feel comfortable with themself is some stupid, made up thing. Idk. Maybe

@Pickles group

Or maybe, maybe we shouldn’t judge other people’s identities because that’s what makes them feel good and comfortable with themself, and we shouldn’t say that the thing that makes them feel comfortable with themself is some stupid, made up thing. Idk. Maybe

Is this to one of us or the original person?

@The-Magician group

Or maybe, maybe we shouldn’t judge other people’s identities because that’s what makes them feel good and comfortable with themself, and we shouldn’t say that the thing that makes them feel comfortable with themself is some stupid, made up thing. Idk. Maybe

Is this to one of us or the original person?


@Moxie group

Or maybe, maybe we shouldn’t judge other people’s identities because that’s what makes them feel good and comfortable with themself, and we shouldn’t say that the thing that makes them feel comfortable with themself is some stupid, made up thing. Idk. Maybe

Is this to one of us or the original person?


I mean yeah, that too

@HighPockets group

Like, how hard is it to just accept that people experience sexuality differently?? Even two people with the same sexuality don't experience everything the same because it varies from person to person.


Can someone give me a comic format taking a stance on a current political issue, because I have no clue what i'm doing

A picture of trump holding a flamethrower to the globe. I'd pay for that

Okay, I made the comic, would you mind giving me a couple sentences to describe it

@Pickles group

Can someone give me a comic format taking a stance on a current political issue, because I have no clue what i'm doing

A picture of trump holding a flamethrower to the globe. I'd pay for that

Okay, I made the comic, would you mind giving me a couple sentences to describe it

Do something about trump placing more importance on economy growth than the environment and not caring about global warming
I'm bad at sentences


Can someone give me a comic format taking a stance on a current political issue, because I have no clue what i'm doing

A picture of trump holding a flamethrower to the globe. I'd pay for that

Okay, I made the comic, would you mind giving me a couple sentences to describe it

Do something about trump placing more importance on economy growth than the environment and not caring about global warming
I'm bad at sentences

Thank you

@Pickles group

Can someone give me a comic format taking a stance on a current political issue, because I have no clue what i'm doing

A picture of trump holding a flamethrower to the globe. I'd pay for that

Okay, I made the comic, would you mind giving me a couple sentences to describe it

Do something about trump placing more importance on economy growth than the environment and not caring about global warming
I'm bad at sentences

Thank you

Will you send me a picture? I wanna see it

@Pickles group

(you should probably mention something about his environmental policies specifically so it seems "more political" I guess? If that makes sense?)

@saor_illust school

Whenever someone says they're sad, I have to help because that person could be the best gosh darn person on the planet, but they might not have anybody there for them. I know that when I used to not have friends, I wanted someone to listen to me. We've all been through some dark times, but I want everybody to see that it gets better. My two best friends in the world killed themselves last year, and I just wish I had been there to help, but they never asked me for help. I'll try to help every person who asks.

that's really sweet… thanks…
now if i had only had the courage last night to post that vent but i'm never going to post it now because i don't like being judged…

Deleted user

@insanity if you could actually tell us what the hell is going on that'd be great

Could you be anymore calloused?

That isn't the point.
The point is that to help you, we need to know what's happening.
Constantly beating around the bush and only posting dramatic passive aggressive sentences gets us nowhere.

@saor_illust school

i had the most amazing thing a while ago. and i kept forgetting to mention it, but here lemme explain it
basically i had all of you guys with me and i was getting big big hugs for no reason at all (this was before last night btw) and it was just so nice and i realized that i was kinda tense and i was able to relax and hhhhh i wish i could feel that every night