forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

I've decided that I don't like college visits. They're dumb and I want to go home but my parents won't let me even though im not the one who wanted to come here and they're the ones that signed us up to come because I don't want to go to this college


an ice cream brand. the cupitidy ads are the sweetest, i just cant deal with it. and the one in thailand!! <3
i cannot believe that im fangirling over an ad for ice cream but here i am

Deleted user

wtf is having a brand name called that if it isn't a corn stiletto brand

Deleted user

how could someone from the Eastern shore make something so Midwest???

hits head repeatedly with own fist stupid, stupid, stupid

@saor_illust school

so this is kind of a weird thing but yea
Asdfssd there's this other izzy on a discord server and so some bg information: two users- other izzy and someone whom we call metro. (and a variety of other nicknames) basically i wasn't here for this but apparently the two got "married" somehow i think it was other izzy who announced that but anyways apparently other izzy's gf decided to draw them if they got married and Asedfsdsdf the other izzy is like,,, really pretty! and now i'm kinda wishing for an actual picture of other izzy because i wanna see all her beauty in a photo

@saor_illust school

yeah i don't even know how to feel about this anymore. there's also the fact that izzy's gf is really talented. so now i wanna meet them both. but at the ame time i don't because they're like six-seven years older than me and i just- asdfaddsdfdsss