forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

maybe my friends don't like me because my life is objectively less shitty than theirs but I complain all the time. Or because I don't know how to explain myself. There's so much stuff in my head but I don't know how to get it out. Time for another crisis yay

why do I relate to this so much

ANyways. I think you're amazing in every way, Pickles, and I'm sure your friends do like you, but much like me you just think everyone hates you even though it's not true for you.

No it's just the one friend who has straight up called me an asshole and said half the time she doesn't listen to what I'm saying
Both on multiple occasions


maybe my friends don't like me because my life is objectively less shitty than theirs but I complain all the time. Or because I don't know how to explain myself. There's so much stuff in my head but I don't know how to get it out. Time for another crisis yay

why do I relate to this so much

ANyways. I think you're amazing in every way, Pickles, and I'm sure your friends do like you, but much like me you just think everyone hates you even though it's not true for you.

No it's just the one friend who has straight up called me an asshole and said half the time she doesn't listen to what I'm saying
Both on multiple occasions

Well that's not a friend, that's just a toxic person you should get out of your life.

@saor_illust school

maybe my friends don't like me because my life is objectively less shitty than theirs but I complain all the time. Or because I don't know how to explain myself. There's so much stuff in my head but I don't know how to get it out. Time for another crisis yay

why do I relate to this so much

ANyways. I think you're amazing in every way, Pickles, and I'm sure your friends do like you, but much like me you just think everyone hates you even though it's not true for you.

No it's just the one friend who has straight up called me an asshole and said half the time she doesn't listen to what I'm saying
Both on multiple occasions

Well that's not a friend, that's just a toxic person you should get out of your life.



Then find another. Then 2 more. Then 3 more. You have so many people on here who love talking to you, and if people can put up with me inside and outside of Notebook, I'm sure you can find a whole classroom's worth of people who will love you and adore you outside of Notebook.

@HighPockets group

well anyway-
the good news is that my mom’s starting to suspect i might have add/adhd, which means she might be taking me to a doctor soon-
she explained to me why she hadn’t before even when i told her about the depression thing…
turns out it’s not that she didn’t believe me, she had just heard all the things about how antidepressants can increase risk of suicide and was terrified that that might be the only option or that she might lose me-
and now i feel really awful for saying all those things about her in the rudeness chat…

but i might be getting help after all !!!

That's a really valid concern, and there's actually a test that can be done to see what medications will and won't react well with your brain! They had to do one for me because when I tried one (zoloft, iirc) it worsened everything by a lot and if you get on the wrong one, they have to wean you off of it slowly.


Believe me I've tried
That's how I ended up with her to begin with

I'm sorry you're going through that still. I think I understand how you feel a little more than you and I both think. Not saying I completely understand, but yeah. I'm sorry I'll just shut up. Much love to you anyway. Sorry, I'm of no use like I basically always am.


smol rant bc i'm slightly annoyed i-

i'm answering rps (on Quotev tho, since i'm there a lot-)
and this one person i-
i gave 'em three lines to work with, almost a good sized paragraph
'nd they give me back? barely even one line. 'nd that wouldn't have been a problem, if it was every now and again, but it's all they give me no matter how much i give them
ion like it >:(
'nd one other person spams me with several short answers all in a row to make one big answer and it gets a little annoying but they a sweet bean so i'm letting it go for NOW


Don't you hate it when you're chill and vibing and relating to something and working through some shit

and then one fuckwad person storms in and ruins the whole thing?

what the hell

I'm diagnosed with GAD. I know the pains and aches of the miserable cocktail that is social interaction and anxiety.
Had the gall
"You just gotta like not care. Like, it's not logical at all. It's either not care or have pills shoved down your throat"

Bro it's called a DISORDER for a fucking reason. I KNOW my anxiety isn't LOGICAL but that ISN'T GOING TO SUDDENLY MAKE IT GO AWAY


@Echo_6 group

This is a short but needed rant.
This is the most stressful week of my life, not only doubled by having to take care of my siblings when I'm at home because mom and dad are never home, having to fix all the shit around the farm that's breaking, getting the flu during Finals week, and having my grades start to slip. But to top off all of this, a very good friend of mine, and elderly woman, passed away just a few days ago and I didn't realize just how much it hurt me until I broke down like a train wreck the second I was alone.
Now I'm alone again and everything seems to be crashing down around me. It would be an understatement to say that I miss her. She was a huge guidance in my life always there when it seemed like no one else was. She was that encouragement that was always there before I even realized I needed it.
It had to be right now. With the stress of everything else going on this had to happen. Just one more piece of me ripped away then.
It just doesn't seem to be getting any easier.


This is a short but needed rant.
This is the most stressful week of my life, not only doubled by having to take care of my siblings when I'm at home because mom and dad are never home, having to fix all the shit around the farm that's breaking, getting the flu during Finals week, and having my grades start to slip. But to top off all of this, a very good friend of mine, and elderly woman, passed away just a few days ago and I didn't realize just how much it hurt me until I broke down like a train wreck the second I was alone.
Now I'm alone again and everything seems to be crashing down around me. It would be an understatement to say that I miss her. She was a huge guidance in my life always there when it seemed like no one else was. She was that encouragement that was always there before I even realized I needed it.
It had to be right now. With the stress of everything else going on this had to happen. Just one more piece of me ripped away then.
It just doesn't seem to be getting any easier.

One piece of advice I can relay is not to grieve. You can see the death of someone close to you as a deeper meaning to how you can change yourself. Grow from these trying times, and know that if you're in the deepest pit right now, the only way left to go is up! Unfortunately most of us are quite lonely and don't have anyone to go to at all, like myself, but that's how the world works. It happens to the best of us. (You guys, not me. I'm evil.) Life sucks and shit happens, but you gotta move on. Just keep with the vibe and you'll do just fine, I promise.


All this shit that you guys talk about and the stuff I hold back from whining about to anyone because nobody is there or to people online because I've been told that nobody wants to hear my shit makes me think. Like woo we've been placed in this unforgiving world full of assholes, greed, selfishness, horrendous behaviour, and a MASSIVE margin for error and mistakes in life. "God" or whatever may have some stupid plan for us when we die and go to "heaven" or hell. It all seems so stupid. Like sure I'll just ignore the stress of fucking living daily life to get on my knees like a damn whore and "pray" to literally nothing. Why talk to myself? I'm not gonna dedicate myself and my little, ever shortening time to pray, tithe, go to church, and rip my life apart just in hopes that I'm "forgiven" for my sins and that I'll be with "Jesus" when I die. Why put us on this horrible earth? It's so fucking awful!!! People are constantly fucking blowing their head off, jumping in front of trains and off of buildings, shooting others and then themselves, shooting kids in schools, committing acts of terrorism and crimes against humanity! There's so much good in this world but the stress and constant fear of death and all the worrying about your "friends" (if you have any. My "friends" aren't friends.) and "family" definitely outweighs it. Life sucks so damn bad. Why wouldn't I just want to end it all at any given moment? People kill children, newborns, fucking puppies and kitties, they rape people, they kill people, and all people are focused on is how to make a quick buck and fuck the economy worse. Is their any point? Why suffer through all this abuse just in fucking hopes that someday I might get married and have my own house or something? Maybe I'll have a kid! Why? JUST TO FUCKING SUFFER MORE WITH EVERYTHING A KID FUCKS YOU UP WITH


@HighPockets group

even though I agree, this is the venting space and I’d prefer if it was used to help people rather than put them down or invalidate them-

Sorry, but that was such an absolute mess of word vomit that did nothing but put down anyone who believes in a higher power or has even the slightest bit of optimism, and was laughably overdramatic so I couldn't help but draw the comparisons.


even though I agree, this is the venting space and I’d prefer if it was used to help people rather than put them down or invalidate them-

Sorry, but that was such an absolute mess of word vomit that did nothing but put down anyone who believes in a higher power or has even the slightest bit of optimism, and was laughably overdramatic so I couldn't help but draw the comparisons.

well, I mean, you aren’t wrong, honesty if I wasn’t supposed to be the kind chat moderator who preaches ✨everyone’s opinions are valid✨I’d probably do the same