forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group


I feel like this is its own category of deEp
needs it’s own sub

You know, we LIVE in a SOCIETY!

Deleted user

Emis getting made fun of and I wanna protecc but I can’t because I’m a stick and I’m not getting suspended bruh I hate the flutes (most of them) I hate them so much I’ll make this a run on sentence.

Deleted user


I feel like this is its own category of deEp
needs it’s own sub

You know, we LIVE in a SOCIETY!

Okay Deceit.

Deleted user

God damnit watching Emi sit between two assholes who bully her just hurts my heart. God damn it hurts to see her be unable to do anything… I mean she will… and the other flutes moved away from her god damnit why is this painful.

@Pickles group


I feel like this is its own category of deEp
needs it’s own sub

You know, we LIVE in a SOCIETY!

Greg be like 😭😭😒😣😔😌🤬🤬😭

Deleted user

bruh I’m fine

I can deal with it myself, Kylee, it’s okay.

Deleted user

It still bothers me. I mean if they targeted me I wouldn’t care, but you’re my best friend I am not about to let some thot talk down on you just because they think they’re hot stuff.

Deleted user

But I’m stronger than them, I have better friends (and a semi-supportive Nate lmfao), yet I’m obviously just not where they thought I would be. I’m still going to play my heart out and enjoy band.

Deleted user

Yeet do that. You will be the best like no one ever was. Become who you want. Do it.

Deleted user

Good thing is I have the part that I want and I’m in eighth chair out of eighteen people. So


don’t worry

Deleted user

Lol and no matter what us clarinets will welcome you in open arms join us please


This is a short but needed rant.
This is the most stressful week of my life, not only doubled by having to take care of my siblings when I'm at home because mom and dad are never home, having to fix all the shit around the farm that's breaking, getting the flu during Finals week, and having my grades start to slip. But to top off all of this, a very good friend of mine, and elderly woman, passed away just a few days ago and I didn't realize just how much it hurt me until I broke down like a train wreck the second I was alone.
Now I'm alone again and everything seems to be crashing down around me. It would be an understatement to say that I miss her. She was a huge guidance in my life always there when it seemed like no one else was. She was that encouragement that was always there before I even realized I needed it.
It had to be right now. With the stress of everything else going on this had to happen. Just one more piece of me ripped away then.
It just doesn't seem to be getting any easier.

I can understand, Warrior. I've also had someone important ripped away from me by death. Grief is hard, and it's a process. Be kind to yourself during this time. Let your emotions out when and where you can.

The 5 stages of grief are absolute bullshit. Everyone is different; no one truly grieves the same way. Let yourself grieve the way you do. It's okay to be sad or angry. It's okay to reminisce or push away. It's okay to react however you react, so long as you are able to pick yourself up afterwards. You don't have to do something big or momentous. Just take it one step, one moment, one day at a time.

This may sound callous but time softens wounds. It may never fully heal, there may always be a scar, but it will get better.

Just keep going, Warrior.


You lowkey sound like Onision, bro. Tone it down and grow up a bit.

Woo sure put me down instead of, I don't know, respecting my views or understanding that we tend to over exaggerate during aggravated rants. Sorry for spitting garbage but it's how I felt.


Sorry, but that was such an absolute mess of word vomit that did nothing but put down anyone who believes in a higher power or has even the slightest bit of optimism, and was laughably overdramatic so I couldn't help but draw the comparisons.

I didn't put anyone down, I just said what I felt.


this was already discussed so there's really no reason to bring it back up

Sorry, I was missing for a while, and being the person who started it I felt the need to respond. But I'm fucking retarded so maybe I shouldn't have. Goodbye.


Sporks, you're not retarded. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion. I think they were annoyed that you were sort of putting down anyone who believes in any kind of god, but I don't think it was necessarily a good way to respond. You're clearly upset, and again, you have every right to be upset. The world is shit. Boom. Some people believe in a god because to them, that makes the world less shit. They're entitled to believe in that god, and you're entitled to not. Now everyone calm down, aight?


I'm not atheist, I'm just not religious. Thank you for being reasonable instead of immediately deleting my opinion like most people. I believe there very well could be gods, and thousands have been said to exist. I just happen to not believe at the moment, and that's definitely subject to change. Thanks :3

So yes let's calm down now


I'm just kinda chill and non confrontational so whenever y'all are fighting I'm just like


Imma head out


I'm just kinda chill and non confrontational so whenever y'all are fighting I'm just like


Imma head out

I know, sorry. I hate fighting because I feel like all I do is spread my negativity.


Nah, it's not your fault. I'm as negative as the next guy lol

Thanks lol.

Ight imma head out bc I'm in chemistry and this is my worst subject so yeah good luck! :3