forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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When you’re in a room with a bunch of girls way prettier than you and they’re talking about Instagram when you don’t have it and they’re talking about filter but no filter could ever make you look as pretty as themmmmmm

Deleted user

Can I just say that you don't need a filter to look pretty?



And now they’re all talking about and trying on the cute and nice clothes they have and you’re just sitting here in a Smokey the Bear shirt tucked into sweatpants
And they’re also all doing they’re hair and stuff while your just over here being really self conscious about yourself and your hair and someone comments on it but not really positively


nothing like starting off the new year with that horrible sick feeling you get in your stomach when you know you’ve done something wrong and the r e g r e t s just keep piling up until you can’t think

@saor_illust school

wait a minute… if you two are in the same timezone, you shouldn't be two minutes apart. no two people on this entire earth are ever going to have the minutes of their time, regardless of timezone be different. for example someone in thailand it could be 5.39 am or pm and it could be 9 am or pm in idk africa but it would still be 9.39 for them.


(Well on my thing it says the posts were 2 minutes apart so I think they are on the same time. Also some clocks can be slow/delayed by a tiny bit so it's not uncommon for two clocks to have slightly different times)
Also, everything is hitting me/resurfacing at once and It's 12:58 where I am

@saor_illust school

oh well
anyways i'm dying…
i literally just spent a whole hour and a half trying to draw a person
and it was only the head but
drawing people is hard
i know most people know that but still
(okay you can ignore this now idk i just had to get that out)

@The-Magician group

So my mum wants to throw away one of my favourite book series. They don’t sell them as hand held copies anymore, so if she does get rid of them I’ll never be able to get them again…
I told my boyfriend and he said “E books are a thing”, and I’m just like BUT I LIKE HOLDING A BOOK, AND TURNING THE PAGES???????
I am literally freaking out so much right now..

@The-Magician group

I’ve been in a shit mood since I woke up because I went to sleep thinking my boyfriend hated me because he said I was getting on his nerves. My parents were moaning at me because my morning started at 1pm because I didn’t sleep until 4:30am. My mum wants to throw the books away, I tried to go to my boyfriend for comfort but he didn’t do anything to help he just made it worse, and now I’m walking to work, crying, after telling my boyfriend to fuck off and telling my best friend to leave me alone