forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Remember that dagger? Well, my mom found another one under her bed, not a dagger, but a huge, huge knife. and I'd completely forgotten about it. But now I remember my dad swinging it around and my mom crying and hiding it so he wouldn't hurt us.

And now the knife covered in dust sitting on the kitchen table and I can't go out there, I can't see that thing again. I can't face it again.

@Pickles group

Remember that dagger? Well, my mom found another one under her bed, not a dagger, but a huge, huge knife. and I'd completely forgotten about it. But now I remember my dad swinging it around and my mom crying and hiding it so he wouldn't hurt us.

And now the knife covered in dust sitting on the kitchen table and I can't go out there, I can't see that thing again. I can't face it again.

Do you live with someone who came Post-Father?

@Pickles group

No, it's only my mom and my brother.

Can you ask if one of them would be willing to move it? They should be understanding

Deleted user

No, it's only my mom and my brother.

Can you ask if one of them would be willing to move it? They should be understanding

I probably will…

Deleted user

No, it's only my mom and my brother.

Hmm. You have a brother.


Deleted user

Quiet. Usually anxious. Genius. Funny. Big gamer.
I'm more protective of him than he is of me.

Deleted user

I love him. But it's hard. He's the good straight Catholic son with perfect grades who has never dated anyone and doesn't sneak out or do anything dangerous. I'm the opposite of that. Our relationship is fine, but sometimes it does hurt a little to watch everyone go "oh, Lucas, the perfect child" and then turn to me.

@Anemone eco

Ah, I feel. That's rough. For me, I had to deal with the straightforward, "Why can't you be more like your sister?" from my dad.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love him. But it's hard. He's the good straight Catholic son with perfect grades who has never dated anyone and doesn't sneak out or do anything dangerous. I'm the opposite of that. Our relationship is fine, but sometimes it does hurt a little to watch everyone go "oh, Lucas, the perfect child" and then turn to me.

I'm glad your relationship is fine. Honestly I'm surprised that there isn't a lot of tension.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I love him. But it's hard. He's the good straight Catholic son with perfect grades who has never dated anyone and doesn't sneak out or do anything dangerous. I'm the opposite of that. Our relationship is fine, but sometimes it does hurt a little to watch everyone go "oh, Lucas, the perfect child" and then turn to me.

I'm glad your relationship is fine. Honestly I'm surprised that there isn't a lot of tension.

Having siblings can be tough at times.

@Pickles group

So my sort of friend has a sister who's also three years younger than her (I do too. That's the also part, but I'm dumb and don't know how to explain that in a sentence). We're both short and about the same weight. Then there's our sisters, who are both taller and thinner and probably also about the same weight. They look like us but deer. It's strange. My theory is it's an Ohio thing

Deleted user

I love him. But it's hard. He's the good straight Catholic son with perfect grades who has never dated anyone and doesn't sneak out or do anything dangerous. I'm the opposite of that. Our relationship is fine, but sometimes it does hurt a little to watch everyone go "oh, Lucas, the perfect child" and then turn to me.

I'm glad your relationship is fine. Honestly I'm surprised that there isn't a lot of tension.

Nah. I mean, most of the time, it's just the two of us. And we got each other, you know? We went through the whole dad thing together, the divorce, all the weird shit that's happened… We balance each other out.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I love him. But it's hard. He's the good straight Catholic son with perfect grades who has never dated anyone and doesn't sneak out or do anything dangerous. I'm the opposite of that. Our relationship is fine, but sometimes it does hurt a little to watch everyone go "oh, Lucas, the perfect child" and then turn to me.

I'm glad your relationship is fine. Honestly I'm surprised that there isn't a lot of tension.

Nah. I mean, most of the time, it's just the two of us. And we got each other, you know? We went through the whole dad thing together, the divorce, all the weird shit that's happened… We balance each other out.

I relate to this. I got three siblings. We're all quite close with one another; we've got each other's backs no matter what.


I mean I'm the oldest child…so I just get disappointed looks and mental comparisons to my younger brother (14, 5'7", skinny as fuck, smart, interested in going into the military), versus me (?? yrs old, 5'0", a bit overweight, kinda smart ig?, no life plans yet)

@The-Magician group

I live with 3 of my siblings (I have 2 other younger ones but they live with my dad), and can I just say that you would never know we are related through our mum.

Christina, 9, looks like my mum and stepdad
Martha, 6, looks like my mum
Philip, 4, looks like my stepdad and my grandad
Me? I look like my dad and my aunt

And from the way we all act you would think that the kids had just been picked up from a zoo and shot up with sugar and steroids

Deleted user

He's the good straight Catholic son with perfect grades who has never dated anyone and doesn't sneak out or do anything dangerous.

This makes me laugh because this is what Nate is

except he’s Christian and way too busy to do anything lmao