forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

Do you ever just look at your own characters and think "I should draw you" and then think "nah" and draw someone else's?


So, I got my hair dyed blonde and then went home and ended up with a really bad headache later that day. So, I've been sleeping it away and i went to go take more ibprophen and fill up my water bottle and got startled by my face.

@saor_illust school

dont you just love it when one of your frens who is younger than you tells you that she's been hella depressed recently and has cut before and you just don't know what to say?
she's too young
she shouldn't have to go through this
and i gave her all of the coping methods i know from what i got from when i was asking mir about them for another fren
and she's said that they don't work
and i-
i don't know what to do
i know i can't help everyone but
i hate feeling like this
i hate feeling like there's nothing i can do
and i mean
there probably is nothing i can do
and maybe trying to help everyone isn't good for me either
because i'm definitely tensing up a lot more unconsciously
i can't help it
i gotta be there for my frens, even if it kills me in the process

@saor_illust school

i know that i'm probably not going to be able to help much at all with this but
you remember when you said this?:

Izzy, we may not be close, but if you ever need to talk to someone I'm usually online from 10AM-2AM CST which is a good chunk of a day. :)

I'm here for you too! you are not alone!!


As always, I'm late, but someone mentioned photoshopping themselves onto a bride or something and I'm just here to say I've already done that before

@HighPockets group

Do you ever just look at your own characters and think "I should draw you" and then think "nah" and draw someone else's?

Yes but then I don't draw anything at all


You ever just look at yourself in a large mirror and think
“Wow, you are strikingly unattractive!”
but are also weirdly okay with that

@Pickles group

You ever just look at yourself in a large mirror and think
“Wow, you are strikingly unattractive!”
but are also weirdly okay with that


@Kie group

Bruh I went to sleep at 5 AM this summer is gonna be the most fucked up in terms of sleep schedules that I've ever seen