forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


That Cardi B is ew. Duh.

Sir you know very well that that's not what Ella meant at least I hope you do

that's exactly what i meant word for word
what did you think

That Eminem is ew because 1. He is and 2. You've expressed that you think so multiple times in the past

well, i mean,
that's true too
but in this instance i as mostly talking about B cause there are good reasons i'm aware of to hate her outside of "the music fecking sucks"
meanwhile with m&m when you take away the terrible music factor, from what i've seen at least, he's a pretty decent person
quite clever too

Deleted user



i don't remember it too clearly but i think the first time i ever heard an m&m song was in some video from 2014 or something
it was about songs having weirdly clear messages when played in reverse at certain speeds
the details are fuzzy but if i heard the part again i could probably tell you what the message was-?
you quoted the part once here on notebook before and i remember struggling to remember why i knew it
something about slim shady or whatever the cheesy nickname is


Why must my good ideas come to me when I'm tired? Why can't they come when I'm, you know, actually awake and fully rested?

We simply think to logically when well rested. When you're tired you're brain forget's that Rules have to be fallowed and creativity flows freely.

Deleted user

say m;m a gain and i;'ll slap you


grass '

Deleted user

i dont know what you guys are on but i want some

Deleted user

you guys just have this chaotic crack energy and sometimes i dont know how to handle that-

@Pickles group

you guys just have this chaotic crack energy and sometimes i dont know how to handle that-

Buckle up you little bitch because you're on the bus to funky town and it's a wild ride

Deleted user

i dont know what you guys are on but i want some


x an ny