forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

My brother and I don't look at all alike either.

@Pickles group

My sister is…. Meh. She sucks sometimes but I guess she's okay. She's like me but more gross, more innocent, and less lazy

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love him. But it's hard. He's the good straight Catholic son with perfect grades who has never dated anyone and doesn't sneak out or do anything dangerous. I'm the opposite of that. Our relationship is fine, but sometimes it does hurt a little to watch everyone go "oh, Lucas, the perfect child" and then turn to me.

I'm glad your relationship is fine. Honestly I'm surprised that there isn't a lot of tension.

Nah. I mean, most of the time, it's just the two of us. And we got each other, you know? We went through the whole dad thing together, the divorce, all the weird shit that's happened… We balance each other out.

That's good.

@Pickles group

My sister is…. Meh. She sucks sometimes but I guess she's okay. She's like me but more gross, more innocent, and less lazy

I thought you called her a ho once.

I did. By innocent I guess I mean she knows less about the world, makes less inappropriate jokes, and curses less

Deleted user

My sister is…. Meh. She sucks sometimes but I guess she's okay. She's like me but more gross, more innocent, and less lazy

I thought you called her a ho once.

if she breathes, she's a

t h o t

@Anemone eco

My sister is…. Meh. She sucks sometimes but I guess she's okay. She's like me but more gross, more innocent, and less lazy

I thought you called her a ho once.

if she breathes, she's a

t h o t

All women are queens.

Deleted user

My sister is…. Meh. She sucks sometimes but I guess she's okay. She's like me but more gross, more innocent, and less lazy

I thought you called her a ho once.

if she breathes, she's a

t h o t

All women are queens.

lightsaber fight ensues


I've pretty much disowned the person who would be considered my "brother". He's only still part of the family because my parents actually cared enough about him to never give up on him. I'm just done with his shit. None of you will know what he's been like–what he's truly been like at home. It's disgusting. He's disgusting.

He's honestly such an abhorrent human being that I, a person who cares deeply about my family, had stopped thinking about him as a brother and more as an estranged leech.

I could write paragraphs about the shit he's pulled and been forgiven for, so many times over. I'm just not. It's a waste of my time at this point.

Deleted user

@SupernaturalSyGuyWantsACappuccino nooo why did you remove your other answer
i thought it was funny 😂


Guy guys guys
My mom gave me a driving lesson today
And I've been taking walks outside like my therapist told me to
And I climbed a tree since I love climbing trees
And I shaved my legs so now I feel clean
Still don't have Raymond but like
Today has been a pretty good day :D


And I talked to my mom about what I want for my birthday and I think I'm gonna get a sewing machine so I can make stuffed animals and stuff :D

Deleted user

I just fella sleep for like five minutes and I'm very confused