forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Kinda bumming out at the moment. Missing my friends and and family. Missing my shows that are on hold. Also bummed that nobody wants to read one of my old rp….
Whatever, its not like I was planning on attempting a reboot au version of it at some point or anything….

I mean shoot me a link and I'll give it a look


I need to stop opening my mouth, every time I speak things just get worse-
why am i this fucking pathetic?!
why can’t i just be a normal, properly functioning human being…

@HighPockets group

I need to stop opening my mouth, every time I speak things just get worse-
why am i this fucking pathetic?!
why can’t i just be a normal, properly functioning human being…


@Kie group

I need to stop opening my mouth, every time I speak things just get worse-
why am i this fucking pathetic?!
why can’t i just be a normal, properly functioning human being…

I felt that! You wouldn't happen to have autism or exhibit any symptoms of it, would you? (Assuming you mean normal, everyday conversations.)

Deleted user

So i just had an anxiety attack. and my mom thought i was having a seizure. I told her, i was just thinking, and she was thinking i was smoking something. I Don't smoke. and barely drink.


hug sounds good
i would talk but I’m also waiting for cake and I can’t look like I’m crying when I go to eat some cake or else people will ask what’s wrong and i don’t want that


to put it simply:
i said words, but stupid
mom responded to words in a completely normal and innocent way but due to my own issues I perceived it as negative
negative bad
i sad
time to go sit in corner and get angry at myself again because i’m clearly such a burden and should perish even though during the conversation she literally said the exact opposite-

Deleted user

So uhm I spent the past 30 minutes looking at pictures of Koi fish and im just never let down from their majestic selves swimming and eating on food like no tomorrow. That's my ONE favorite part about Zoo's . Is all the adorable Koi fish.


to put it simply:
i said words, but stupid
mom responded to words in a completely normal and innocent way but due to my own issues I perceived it as negative
negative bad
i sad
time to go sit in corner and get angry at myself again because i’m clearly such a burden and should perish even though during the conversation she literally said the exact opposite-

Hey, we're going to try to calm ok. One, you are a human being, you are going to make mistakes, it's ok to do that because you are a human. Two, You. Are. Important. You Have Value. Try to breath focus on something other than your own thought's imagine a great big eraser getting rid of all of those thoughts, draw something new on that space.

Deleted user

what is the zoo possessing?


Zoo’s what?

Deleted user

what is the zoo possessing?


Zoo’s what?

What does the zoo have that's so important?

I certainly don’t know

Deleted user

what is the zoo possessing?


Zoo’s what?

What does the zoo have that's so important?

I certainly don’t know

I wasn't aware 'Zoo's' and 'Koi' were proper nouns either.

@Pickles group

what is the zoo possessing?


Zoo’s what?

What does the zoo have that's so important?

I certainly don’t know

Someone please tell me I don't like being out of the loop

@HighPockets group

what is the zoo possessing?


Zoo’s what?

What does the zoo have that's so important?

I certainly don’t know

I wasn't aware 'Zoo's' and 'Koi' were proper nouns either.

Koi are our overlords, Miriam. They deserve the capitalization.