forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


…you know what I think I’ll stick with the trump ones

I'm already bad with facial expressions, this is just uncanny valley type shiz. Is it smiling? is it being flirtatious? Is it angry? What's with the eyelid? WHY?


I'm done! Never again, I'm never taking Chemistry again. Well unless I failed this test and don't get collage credit, then I'll have to take it again in Collage, but regardless. Never again.


I'm done! Never again, I'm never taking Chemistry again. Well unless I failed this test and don't get collage credit, then I'll have to take it again in Collage, but regardless. Never again.

Yay!! Congrats, Relsey!

Deleted user

Me too. i was curious and wel wasn't dissapointed.

@Pickles group

I'm done! Never again, I'm never taking Chemistry again. Well unless I failed this test and don't get collage credit, then I'll have to take it again in Collage, but regardless. Never again.

How do you think it went?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm done! Never again, I'm never taking Chemistry again. Well unless I failed this test and don't get collage credit, then I'll have to take it again in Collage, but regardless. Never again.

How do you think it went?



I'm done! Never again, I'm never taking Chemistry again. Well unless I failed this test and don't get collage credit, then I'll have to take it again in Collage, but regardless. Never again.

How do you think it went?


honestly not as bad as I expected, there were only four math questions the rest was all concept. I'm pretty good at Chemistry Concepts, just not Chemistry math, stoichiometry is not my strong suit I can never remember all of the constants. I ran out of time to do two problems but every thing I answered I'm pretty positive was at least partially correct.

@saor_illust school

why do i feel so useless all of a sudden?
three seconds ago i was feeling good
i was doing japanese
just mildly annoyed at how my computer was handling a certain situation
now i just feel like im useless
i just take up space
there's no point in me existing
idk why
i just want to like,,, not exist anymore, i suppose

Deleted user

Just to think , missing so much school , even the drop outs wished they never did.

Deleted user