forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

why do i feel so useless all of a sudden?
three seconds ago i was feeling good
i was doing japanese
just mildly annoyed at how my computer was handling a certain situation
now i just feel like im useless
i just take up space
there's no point in me existing
idk why
i just want to like,,, not exist anymore, i suppose

Oh honey, it'll all be okay. You can just DM me if you'd like someone to talk to! Im here for any and all of you if you ever need someone.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

why do i feel so useless all of a sudden?
three seconds ago i was feeling good
i was doing japanese
just mildly annoyed at how my computer was handling a certain situation
now i just feel like im useless
i just take up space
there's no point in me existing
idk why
i just want to like,,, not exist anymore, i suppose

Just your brain's daily attempt to screw with you.

Deleted user

@Kie group

@saor_illust school

(im sorry mir i swear im not ignoring your vents i just dont know what to say)

thanks lizzy, i think ill take you up on that offer
and dom, i kinda doubt that but you're probably right

Deleted user

Deleted user

Ay, Mir. It's alright. Did you hold it under water yet?

no. it's fine. it's kinda too late.


No, It's not fine, even if it's not still super hot run it under water. Than i fully expect you to be putting some Aloe verra on it. You have activated Mom Relsey.

Deleted user

okay, I did water. I don't have aloe vera.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

why do i feel so useless all of a sudden?
three seconds ago i was feeling good
i was doing japanese
just mildly annoyed at how my computer was handling a certain situation
now i just feel like im useless
i just take up space
there's no point in me existing
idk why
i just want to like,,, not exist anymore, i suppose

Izzy, you're not useless. You are not a waste of space. Everyone here loves you and cares about you. Please take care of yourself, and perhaps get some rest.

Again, its ironic that an insomniac is telling another sleep deprived person to get some rest….

@Kie group

I've seasoned the pork for dinner and I just… do not know how it will taste??? I feel like my sister and parents are going to yell at me for whatever monstrosity I may have created.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I've seasoned the pork for dinner and I just… do not know how it will taste??? I feel like my sister and parents are going to yell at me for whatever monstrosity I may have created.

I'm sure that it'll taste great!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Kinda bumming out at the moment. Missing my friends and and family. Missing my shows that are on hold. Also bummed that nobody wants to read one of my old rp….
Whatever, its not like I was planning on attempting a reboot au version of it at some point or anything….


Kinda bumming out at the moment. Missing my friends and and family. Missing my shows that are on hold. Also bummed that nobody wants to read one of my old rp….
Whatever, its not like I was planning on attempting a reboot au version of it at some point or anything….

I mean shoot me a link and I'll give it a look