forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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Deleted user

I feel bad that girls have to go through these things, it seems like a nightmare

sorry to get caught up on such a small detail, but AFAB people would be a slightly better term for people who menstruate ^^


I become a disgusting monster on my period who wears the same pair of underwear for a whole week and just changes the pad

I'm a monster on my period in general. Do not give me anything sharp (ever really but eh).

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I become a disgusting monster on my period who wears the same pair of underwear for a whole week and just changes the pad

I KNEW I WASNT THE ONLY ONE THAT DID THAT! (I mean… I never wear the same pair for the entire week, but fewer pairs definitely)
Like seriously, I don't want all of it stained, so… ye

@ClownB*tch eco

I become a disgusting monster on my period who wears the same pair of underwear for a whole week and just changes the pad

i do this too but it does add to the thing that (i think) bec said about the showering and feeling like you smell


I haaaate getting mine early. It's like,,,, why.
Fun story, I got my period on the same day I got dishonourably discharged (read: fired) from a job, and bc of stress my period was super light for three days, went away, I had spotting and cramps for a week, and then it returned in full flow. Not fun. And now I'm very hormonal and that's not fun either.

@LiteralCyborg group

I am due for mine any day now and every time I wake up I gotta check and be like "Hath God sent the floods to wipe out all of us, or will I live another day??"


Random question that’s not really period related, but does anyone else get rashes when they’re super stressed? I get them on my stomach, they look like an allergy rash.

Deleted user

I am due for mine any day now and every time I wake up I gotta check and be like "Hath God sent the floods to wipe out all of us, or will I live another day??"

Oh my gosh meeeee

@Pickles group

Pads suck. Tampons suck. Diva cups suck. Don't even get me started on going to the bathroom with a partially used pad and then you get blood all over your legs. Nasty. I've never felt so unclean

@Pickles group

I've heard it's messy as hell when you take it out and I'm not about that
I also don't want to have to rinse it off every time I need to empty it


I cannot tell you how many times I've accidentally bled through stuff. Even when I have a pad on, it always finds a way to move out of position, so then I ruin the underwear and sometimes the pants/shorts I'm wearing. Oh, and the times I've thought it ended just for it to start back up again… (For some context, my periods are a bit weird since I was on birth control for like a year, stopped recently, and they've only come back a couple months ago. Oh, and for the record, I'm also fifteen. The whole birth control thing was for a medication I had to take at some point. This is getting personal, but I might as well provide some context for why so this isn't unintentionally worrying)

@squiddicus language

Tampons freak me out and I will never wear one

I concur - I used to think I was the only one who didn't want to wear them. I got super stressed out in case I got my period on holiday and I couldn't go in the sea because I cannot deal with tampons