forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

My period just started ALONG WITH MY THROAT FEELING LIKE SOMEONE THREW A BOMB DOWN MY THROAT ABD THE SCRAPNEL SCRAPPED MY NECK ON THE WAY DOWN. and I bled on my underwear bc I was sleeping while sick and my brother was being a turd..

Deleted user

BROO I FUCKING SWEAR random spurts of blood a couple days after are so annoying. Like I legit thought I was done, opp not you still got some. -,-

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

fjsfslejf hello all, um I just want to ask if you guys know any good period underwear brands? Or if like, there is a specific way you're suppose to wash them when you change them out?

Ok hun. To get out blood on any type of clothing, you rinse it with cold water, and then put hydrogen peroxide on it. And then you let it sit for a minute or two, and then scrub. Then you rinse with cold water again. Do this until 2-3 more times. Then just pop them in the washing machine and boom. Little to no stain left over. Hope it helps!

Deleted user

My mom always told me to put yellow awesome on it right before you wash it, never leaves a stain. Works like magic


I mean, staining isn’t really a problem since my period underwear is black anyway. Im just wondering why they still leak, maybe due to an accumulation of blood to the point where it can’t absorb anymore. Or it’s just that my flow is heavy


I mean, staining isn’t really a problem since my period underwear is black anyway. Im just wondering why they still leak, maybe due to an accumulation of blood to the point where it can’t absorb anymore. Or it’s just that my flow is heavy

This is to say that I’m thinking I should wash the blood out so it still has room to absorb it, ig. Eh

@Pickles group

I finally figured out how to put a tampon in right. Still took two hands, I'm blaming it on the fact that it was a cardboard applicator
I still have to wear a pad though cause 1 idk when it's gonna leak and 2 there was already blood on me that would get on my underwear. Genuine question, how do I avoid that?? Do you just gotta rinse off or something??

Discovered plastic applicators are a lot easier to do the plungy thing one handed