forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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@Pickles group

Mine does that too. It'll just take a few months off and then come back not on schedule. I think it's normal when you first start but I've had mine for years

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, it's normal to have them sporadically within the first year or two, but if it's that wacky at this point, it'd probably be good to ask a doctor about it.

@Space group

Well kinda good news?
I was taking the statewide testing and we have to stay in the designated testing area and can't leave unless we're dying. So there I was, bleeding out for 3 hours until I was finally finished and allowed to leave. Hello period!

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

mine used to be like that. i never really brought it up because i did NOT mind not having to deal with it. but once my mom asked about it she had me put on birth control to regulate them because she said it could cause or be because of some other issue. so i'd say for the most part no, depending on how old you are, but keep an eye on it, and if you can, go for a checkup.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

[I just got back from writhing in pain and it's was in my indesign class where my teacher is strict about cameras and I turned mine off because I was rolling around around and the whole time I was like "This lady better not mark me absent, I'm doing my work and I don't have time for this lady's BS"

@Space group

I have extreme pain and soreness between my legs, but nothing inside my body. Is this just cramping? Or no?
Yes I know I've had my period for almost 9 years now, I just don't really pay attention to my body (hints why I have eating disorders and underweight)


Doesn't sound like cramps?? But hey everyone's different sooo. I'll ask my friend, she knows lots of things about stuff like this.

Deleted user

ummmm is it kinda weird that I'm boy and I understand what yall since I have had 7 friends of mine be on their periods while talking to me and they explain to me what's it like……

Deleted user

ok, I just wanted to make sure😅, I didn't want to come across as a pervert or anything

Deleted user

I think I'm the only 14 year old boy in all my classes that know's this stuff 0-0

@Space group

Doesn't sound like cramps?? But hey everyone's different sooo. I'll ask my friend, she knows lots of things about stuff like this.

Little more info to clear it up, it's just extreme pain of the vulva. I don't have any medical conditions and it only happens during my period


I think I'm the only 14 year old boy in all my classes that know's this stuff 0-0

You'll know how to respect women when we're going through this! That's always a good thing. :)
(not saying you disrespect them in the first place you know what I mean right XD)

Deleted user

I think I'm the only 14 year old boy in all my classes that know's this stuff 0-0

You'll know how to respect women when we're going through this! That's always a good thing. :)
(not saying you disrespect them in the first place you know what I mean right XD)

lmao, I always respect women because it's the right thing to do, and yeah ik what you mean XD

@Becfromthedead group

Allergies plus about to start is not a good feeling. Those mood swings and just feeling bad in general are not a good combo.
Should I probably go drink some water to see if that helps? Yes. Will I get up to do so? Absolutely not.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Me having totally forgotten when I'm due for my next one because stress and burnout and depressive episodes and idefk anymore…
My period could happen this weekend and I would not be surprised but also I don't actually know when it's due anymore…

@ClownB*tch eco

Haha spotting and going to the nurse everyday at school for nausea and lightheadedness is so fun I hate my birth control meds :D
(my school also made me get a covid test cuz i had 1* covid symptom, that being nausea because of my new med

*cuz i hadnt been lightheaded yet

@Becfromthedead group

Don't know that anyone's mentioned this one yet, but having to shower. Constantly. Feeling like you smell bad even when you've just showered. Even though nobody else can smell anything, the idea of that possibility is mortifying.

Deleted user

I feel bad that girls have to go through these things, it seems like a nightmare

@Pickles group

Don't know that anyone's mentioned this one yet, but having to shower. Constantly. Feeling like you smell bad even when you've just showered. Even though nobody else can smell anything, the idea of that possibility is mortifying.

I can't even get rid of the smell when I'm actively drowning in soap

@Becfromthedead group

Same :(((((
I mean, I do have a more acute sense of smell than average so it's probably not. Still annoying after though.
Also I need more clean underwear but I can't be bothered to do laundry.