forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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people_alt 76 followers

@requiemisback language

my period started a few days ago and boy does it trigger my gender dysphoria sometimes

i've been leaning more towards being non-binary recently and like,,,, having my period as a reminder that i'm female is absolutely awful. like my body's way of saying "hey fuck you you're a girl now bleed and cramp and cry urself to sleep haha" and i'm just like "HNGNGHHGNMGMNGHGMG"

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i'm so emotional and unstable right now, and i wanna blame it on period but i haven't even had one this month. i should've started it like a week and a half ago. guess i'm just bipolar by nature-

Deleted user

I was up half the night cuz I would almost get to sleep and then I'd feel like I would be about to puke due to cramps.
Annnd its only day oneeee

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

So, update, this morning I felt like crap…
turns out hormones and severe symptoms of depression and lack of mental energy DO NOT go well together…
and such was my emotional rollercoaster of tears and exhaustion-that-had-no-logical-reason-for-existing and stupid %#$%@!^%$%!@&%# Hormones.


I had a choir concert last night and I'm like 75% sure that I have PMS right now and I BAWLED MY EYES OUT DURING THE LAST SONG (but my solo went well so like ree)

Deleted user

When ur period is so heavy u ave to wear an overnight pad and super tampon in the day and ur fav jeans don't do it for ya and u think you look like u r wearing a diaper

@Pickles group

The ONE day I don't bring a pad I'm about to start. Of course. I have anywhere from an hour to the middle of the night, I'm not good at guessing, and I'm praying that big titty satan waits until I'm at home to attack me ow cramps

@requiemisback language

i hate thattttt mine's so unexpected and it's just like "hey bitch i'm back" at random times

mine's the same way!!
and it sucks cuz i don't show signs of being near the start of it for some reason (other than some minor cramps) and then it's like "surprise motherfucker" and my pants get ruined and just…. uughguughgugh

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

yessss like how ruDE- like did i invite you? no. leave. i don't show signs most of the time either. i've only ever cramped like 3 times in my life, but i do get emotional i guess. but i'm naturally unstable so it's hard to tell

@Pickles group

The ONE day I don't bring a pad I'm about to start. Of course. I have anywhere from an hour to the middle of the night, I'm not good at guessing, and I'm praying that big titty satan waits until I'm at home to attack me ow cramps

Had a little over an hour. Hasn't gotten too heavy yet though so my clothes aren't permanently damaged. But owwwww my stomach hurts

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Hydrogen peroxide gets blood stains out of clothes for those who need it 🙃 I don't know if like this has been said or not, but yeah it does. Some hydrogen peroxide and some cold water will take that stain away. You may have to scrub it a little tho.


My period (finally) showed up today, and I'm going to Puerto Rico on Monday… my period only seems to show up when I'm going away from home… hmph.

@Mojack group

Mine starts tomorrow, or at least around this time
I picked up ibuprofen, not the brand I usually take (I usually take smaller 200mg pills that you can take two of if you need the stronger dose), I take the smaller pills because the 400mg versions are bigger and harder to swallow + their casing disintegrates in my mouth leaving an awful taste if I don’t swallow fast enough
So this time I got 400mg versions but I did get liquid capsules and I took one yesterday for my headache and they don’t seem to disintegrate as quickly as the other ones

I highly recommend getting a period tracker (that’s how I know my period probably starts tomorrow, aside from minor cramps), I personally recommend getting Clue because that’s the one I use + it’s easy to use, and they use inclusive language