forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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oh hey, I have a uterus.

Period trackers are pog unless you're irregular, but the apps try their best to make predictions. I still recommend them too though, since they can be useful for other reasons. A lot of the time they'll provide information your mom or school didn't teach you about your reproductives. Plus, if you are irregular, it's still good to track how late or early you are so you're doctor can see. I use Flo which has quick pull up graphs and charts to show your doctor, and it tells you based on your logs when it might be time to see a doctor (though it is very girly and not my favorite. I would try something else but can't download apps :/).

@wren-has-mommy-issues group

i used flo for awhile to track mine, but now i can't because my parents took away my phone so- and i need it now more than ever but whatever- uhm and i'm barely bleeding now and i've only been on mine for 3 days? it's weird, but i'm not complaining. i blame it on the birth control but i'm not upset if it's gonna make me have shorter periods AT ALL-


im on my period and im in 8th grade so every 30 minutes " hey mrs. so and so can i go to the restroom." When she says no im jus like excuse me let me word it differently ahem LET ME GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW OR UR FLOOR WILL HAVE PERIOD BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!!!!

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah.. I think in some cases you can use it to stop it… But for the most part it's just to regulate, or because you don't wanna have kids.
But of course, I'm not a doctor, so idk for sure.

@Becfromthedead group

Yeah, you can stop your periods with birth control. I'm taking one, and it has a week of placebo pills. If you skip the placebo and start from the beginning again, I'm pretty sure that stops you from having periods, but you do risk spotting if you do that. Again, depends on the pill you use.
Personally I have not done that, as I am on the pill for mainly birth control purposes, and I want to have my period so I know everything is normal and okay.
But I will say my cycles have become very predictable and regular, and far less painful, so there's that perk if nothing else.

@ClownB*tch eco

and im 13 so i cannot ask for birth control

Same here, just turned 13 a week ago

i'm 13 and i just got put on birth control…
tho that might be cuz i go to the hospital for no-no thoughts every time i have my period

Deleted user

as a transmasc person with probable PMDD may i just say,,,, ugh.

@Space group

Aw Murphy that sucks.
Anyways me and my best friend share a period schedule. Like legit same hour of every day. Starts the same, ends the same.


I mean at least mine started on time this time. I usually have crazy irregular periods, but mine was perfectly on time!! So, like, ray of sunshine. And I get to stay home from class and laze about and eat popsicles guilt-free, so you know, there's a good side to every situation, I suppose.
Also the strangest thing happened, I usually get really really really bad cramps on the second day of my period, which was yesterday, and so last night I had been throwing up and I'm sure I threw up the ibuprofen I had taken and I couldn't take it again because, like, I had been sick, but anyway I was like "hoo boy guess I'm going to be cramping and throwing up here we go" and the weirdest thing… I didn't cramp for the rest of the night??? Like, smol miracle there, so ree.

@Pickles group

I'm gonna start soon and I simultaneously want it to happen right now just so I don't risk getting it at prom and also not wanting it to happen until sunday

@ClownB*tch eco

so ya know how i mentioned i went on birth control? well the spotting has left me on my period for 2 weeks now and i'm still on it

@Space group

I don't know why but my periods like…. just don't happen.
Every now and then I get it but it's rare. Is that bad?