forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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One time I was in middle scholl and I had my period and I didn't have any pads with me and no quarter for the machine that gives tampons so I got some toilet paper and I stuffed it in my underwear and went to class. Got a pad on immediately when I came home

@Pickles group

I finally figured out how to put a tampon in right. Still took two hands, I'm blaming it on the fact that it was a cardboard applicator
I still have to wear a pad though cause 1 idk when it's gonna leak and 2 there was already blood on me that would get on my underwear. Genuine question, how do I avoid that?? Do you just gotta rinse off or something??


Cardboard applicators are the worst -
And I guess you're supposed to rinse off??? Idk I just always wear a pad even when I have a tampon in.

@Pickles group

I kind of want one but also I'm afraid I won't be able to get it out. Also I don't want to have to boil it every day and my cervix is pretty high


I kind of want one but also I'm afraid I won't be able to get it out. Also I don't want to have to boil it every day and my cervix is pretty high

THAT'S ANOTHER THING like when I went to measure to find the right size I just… couldn't find my fucking cervix lmao

@Pickles group

I kind of want one but also I'm afraid I won't be able to get it out. Also I don't want to have to boil it every day and my cervix is pretty high

THAT'S ANOTHER THING like when I went to measure to find the right size I just… couldn't find my fucking cervix lmao

Same, I had to try three times and then go like, way deeper than anything said to


I kind of want one but also I'm afraid I won't be able to get it out. Also I don't want to have to boil it every day and my cervix is pretty high

THAT'S ANOTHER THING like when I went to measure to find the right size I just… couldn't find my fucking cervix lmao

Same, I had to try three times and then go like, way deeper than anything said to

Glad to know I'm not alone
Diagrams and stuff make sense on paper but then in reality it just doesn't quite match up.

@HighPockets group

I finally figured out how to put a tampon in right. Still took two hands, I'm blaming it on the fact that it was a cardboard applicator
I still have to wear a pad though cause 1 idk when it's gonna leak and 2 there was already blood on me that would get on my underwear. Genuine question, how do I avoid that?? Do you just gotta rinse off or something??

There's little packs of wipes you can get to deal with blood


why does my period always, always, always start just as I'm leaving to go on a trip ;-;

my period aleays starts on a wekk were something is happening october school feild trip week november thanksgiving week december christmas week February Valentine's week september first week of school. Like what the actual fuck god.

@Pickles group

I finally figured out how to put a tampon in right. Still took two hands, I'm blaming it on the fact that it was a cardboard applicator
I still have to wear a pad though cause 1 idk when it's gonna leak and 2 there was already blood on me that would get on my underwear. Genuine question, how do I avoid that?? Do you just gotta rinse off or something??

There's little packs of wipes you can get to deal with blood

That makes sense


I'm literally having cramps for the first time and I've been stuck in bed cuz everytime i try to move I almost throw up. I've tried so many things to make it feel better and my mom just keeps saying "you just have to wait it out"😭


Oh same. I become a grumpy little witch when I'm on my period and it's a whole time
I was in the shower yesterday and out of nowhere ten billion gallons of blood suddenly yeeted themselves out of my uterus, which was fun


fjsfslejf hello all, um I just want to ask if you guys know any good period underwear brands? Or if like, there is a specific way you're suppose to wash them when you change them out?


Ok so if you get blood on your underwear you wash the underwear under the sink with soap (hand soap will work fine) make sure you gey as much blood out as you can then wash it like normal and boom done there might be a stain but no one is gonna see your underwear