forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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Deleted user

Yeah so I'm making this chat for the sole reason that I have showered six times today and everything still smells like blood. I'm slowly dying, cramps are terrible and I am out of ibuprofen. AHHHHH.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I'm due for mine end of next week….
I'm not happy about it…
Did you try getting a hot water bottle or something to help with the cramps?

Deleted user

I nap all day practically, it hasn't helped so I'm really just drinking some chocolate milk and waiting it out.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Bleehhhhhhhh I just hate having to try and find clothes that don't stain easy because I'll sometimes put the thing on wrong and Arrgggghhhhh blood stains are a pain…
That and the WEIRD spurts of motivation I get while I'm on my period after a week of weird anxiety swings, only to crash the week after my period into insomnia and a higher risk of depressive episodes and just…
screams I hate hormones!

@requiemisback language

yeah agreed, hormones SUCK

my period just started like yesterday and bleghghg i feel so drained of my life energy but at the same time my hyperfocus has gone into overdrive and my brain is just here like "??!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT??!?!? THE FUCK??!??!?!??!!!?! IS HAPPENING???!?!???!??!?!?!???!!!!!!?????!?!??!" and it's just AAAAA

@Pickles group

Yeah so I'm making this chat for the sole reason that I have showered six times today and everything still smells like blood. I'm slowly dying, cramps are terrible and I am out of ibuprofen. AHHHHH.

I feel all of this so hard

@spacebluelily language

I don't get cramps (which surprised me) but it's a pain finding clothes that aren't going to be bloody within an hour. And the fact that there's a higher risk of me getting angry and spiraling out of control isn't great either.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I don't get cramps (which surprised me) but it's a pain finding clothes that aren't going to be bloody within an hour. And the fact that there's a higher risk of me getting angry and spiraling out of control isn't great either.

I'm not the only one that doesn't cramp???
Finally another one!!
I always feel so bad bringing it up that I don't cramp much cause I hear stories from my friends about horrible cramps and just…
I thought I was the only one!


FACT: "Cramps" are actually your hips moving apart, so it's basically like a minor childbirth contraction. yet another reason why I'm never having kids hahaha

@spacebluelily language

I don't get cramps (which surprised me) but it's a pain finding clothes that aren't going to be bloody within an hour. And the fact that there's a higher risk of me getting angry and spiraling out of control isn't great either.

I'm not the only one that doesn't cramp???
Finally another one!!
I always feel so bad bringing it up that I don't cramp much cause I hear stories from my friends about horrible cramps and just…
I thought I was the only one!

Oh freaking crackers. Finally!
It's the same with my friends. They tell stories of how bad their cramps are and I'm just there awkwardly standing with them and hoping that they don't ask me how bad "my cramps" are.

I'm extremely happy that I found someone else like me.


Oh, also, does anyone else have extremely long intervals between periods? It's 36 days since I've had my last one… which is normal for me but like ???


Hi I'm here to complain about how my cramps are so bad they make me throw up
And after the cramps start, the pain meds don't work for like two hours, so I'm pretty much just incapacitated on the floor of the bathroom until they kick in
My gynecologist prescribed me Naproxen or something that's apparently often used for post surgery pain
So that's fun

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I don't get cramps (which surprised me) but it's a pain finding clothes that aren't going to be bloody within an hour. And the fact that there's a higher risk of me getting angry and spiraling out of control isn't great either.

I'm not the only one that doesn't cramp???
Finally another one!!
I always feel so bad bringing it up that I don't cramp much cause I hear stories from my friends about horrible cramps and just…
I thought I was the only one!

Oh freaking crackers. Finally!
It's the same with my friends. They tell stories of how bad their cramps are and I'm just there awkwardly standing with them and hoping that they don't ask me how bad "my cramps" are.

I'm extremely happy that I found someone else like me.

Like, sometimes I'll get minor cramps, but they're nowhere near horrible achey horror story cramps…
and like, the only time I ever have to do anything about them is if I've recently been sick, but even then it's mostly just me complaining because I was already feeling gross before hand and now it's just.. uber icky and a nap will fix me up just fine whereas other people are taking pain meds and using hot waterbottles and excessive amounts of chocolate and I'm like…
I'm sorry but I can't relate….?

Deleted user

Oh hi here.

There have been some months where I’ve actually missed my period due to stress alone, and I wish I could miss it forever since it does give me dysphoria. I know that there are ways to stop having the period (medical ways of stopping it) and I’ve done a bit of research on Hysterectomy but I don’t think I’ll be able to get it done for several reasons, so I just kind of have to deal with it.
I wish I had less painful cramps. Even no cramps. They’re super painful to me and I get them days in advance.

Deleted user

See if you can get your hands on a Nuvaring. it's literal GOLD for stopping periods, it's like, Nuvaring my beloved. You only have them (periods) once every three months if that, and it makes your periods super light and non-crampy. I was using them until my parents refused to keep paying the co-pay for them, oof.

Deleted user

Eh, my periods are a mixed bag of whether or not they'll be horrible, so it can be good or worthless but if you just want to have less and lighter periods then go ahead and ask for it! You can even exaggerate your pain a little bit if they're refusing to, most doctors don't listen to afab patients unless we seriously embellish so it can be a struggle.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Oof I'm in this boat. I don't cramp. I just become a puddle of emotions. Also the cheapest way to stop and or slow down periods is birth control. It's super beneficial especially if you cramp a whole lot or if you're a heavy weight. Also excercise lightens it. For example I play softball. I run and jump and do my happy little thing and what do you know? I haven't beld very much if any. Also, does this happen for everyone else? Like when I go swimming, me period stops. Like it just stops for a few hours and then it kicks back up.