forum period rants (for all who experience that monthly disaster that is having a uterus)
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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I cannot tell you how many times I've accidentally bled through stuff. Even when I have a pad on, it always finds a way to move out of position, so then I ruin the underwear and sometimes the pants/shorts I'm wearing. Oh, and the times I've thought it ended just for it to start back up again… (For some context, my periods are a bit weird since I was on birth control for like a year, stopped recently, and they've only come back a couple months ago. Oh, and for the record, I'm also fifteen. The whole birth control thing was for a medication I had to take at some point. This is getting personal, but I might as well provide some context for why so this isn't unintentionally worrying)

Heyo! If you’re worried about getting blood on your clothes and scared of ruining them, that’s okay! This isn’t a fool proof solution bc we all know stains can be really stubborn, but hydrogen peroxide and cold water gets blood out of clothes really easy. You just out the hydrogen peroxide on the stain, let it bubble, rinse it off, and repeat until you got it as clean as you can. Then throw it in the wash, and you should be good to go!

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Idk about hydrogen peroxide, but some good scrubbing with a stain remover usually does the job if you catch it within a few hours. Like, 20 minutes of scrubbing and then a run through the wash is my go to…

@Becfromthedead group

I mean, I accidentally left one in for almost 2 weeks once (by left it in, I mean it got stuck but I thought it had fallen out, and the whole ordeal was horrifying)
I was fine, but guess who's never ever using one again

Deleted user

I had mild toxic shock once, started at a choir concert and only had oneand I was bleeding so much and so I left it in for over 20 hours, I left the concert and fell asleep in the car, middle of the night i woke up and
I had a horrible headache and started shaking and almost threw up and then I took it out and I was okay
I still use them but I do NOT use them at night anymore!
It was terrifying


I started my period yesterday
And today I went to work and nearly had a mental breakdown because my Adobe was malfunctioning
And now I'm eating animal crackers and procrastinating


Woke up at 3 am this morning because of cramps and didn't take meds so I just went back to sleep after like an hour of suffering 👍


So, I'm even moodier than usual thanks to my period. Yeah, I kept my girlfriend up for an hour just ranting and generally being annoying because I was frustrated about something and probably came off as rude a few times… Everything's fine, but I just feel bad for being annoying and keeping her up.

Deleted user

I am cramping so bad that I cannot move.
Yes terday I was so emotional over the phone with the guy I'm talking to who also happens to be my best friend and the person I'm in love with
ThErEs sO MuCH bLoOd

@Pickles group

Today I learned how to put in a tampon. I also learned that I am not strong enough to do it properly
It's also uncomfy but I already knew that