forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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Mostly because they are an awesome theory, but kind of ineffective. Plus all those who get them become carriers, putting everyone at risk. Plus sometimes people get really sick from them.

How are they ineffective if there is barely any old world sickness in modern times? That's the point though. You're body has to learn to fight the sickness. It becomes stronger because of it. Like breaking a bone, when it heals the bone is stronger.

Like I said, the theory is awesome. There was a measles epidemic in Washington.
Question. Is a new flu vaccine invented every year.

Well there's still going to be outbreaks. Nothing has been completely eradicated. That would just be impossible.
Yes there is, but that's to combat the mutations in the virus. Not getting a flu shot won't kill children.
(I've never gotten a flu shot so I'm not sure how this effects people much….)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Mostly because they are an awesome theory, but kind of ineffective. Plus all those who get them become carriers, putting everyone at risk. Plus sometimes people get really sick from them.

How are they ineffective if there is barely any old world sickness in modern times? That's the point though. You're body has to learn to fight the sickness. It becomes stronger because of it. Like breaking a bone, when it heals the bone is stronger.

Like I said, the theory is awesome. There was a measles epidemic in Washington.
Question. Is a new flu vaccine invented every year.

Well there's still going to be outbreaks. Nothing has been completely eradicated. That would just be impossible.
Yes there is, but that's to combat the mutations in the virus. Not getting a flu shot won't kill children.
(I've never gotten a flu shot so I'm not sure how this effects people much….)

But y'know. The masses are vaccinated, right? So shouldn't this not be a thing.
Anyone who gets a vaccine becomes a carrier for the disease, dropping it on lots of innocent people until their bodies are finished fighting it.


Mostly because they are an awesome theory, but kind of ineffective. Plus all those who get them become carriers, putting everyone at risk. Plus sometimes people get really sick from them.

How are they ineffective if there is barely any old world sickness in modern times? That's the point though. You're body has to learn to fight the sickness. It becomes stronger because of it. Like breaking a bone, when it heals the bone is stronger.

Like I said, the theory is awesome. There was a measles epidemic in Washington.
Question. Is a new flu vaccine invented every year.

Basic biology. That's because diseases, just like any other "living" thing in this world, is capable of mutation. Diseases mutate to defeat the medicine and vaccines commonly used to fight them. So just as the disease develops and mutates, scientists also have to constantly develop and mutate vaccines to be able to properly fight back.


However, that is also the reason we are currently on the road towards a future Mega-Virus, one that has mutated so much so fast that scientists would have to scramble to keep the population alive. Take that outbreak of Influenza in 1918, dubbed the Spanish Flu of 1918, for example.

Deleted user

Mostly because they are an awesome theory, but kind of ineffective. Plus all those who get them become carriers, putting everyone at risk. Plus sometimes people get really sick from them.

How are they ineffective if there is barely any old world sickness in modern times? That's the point though. You're body has to learn to fight the sickness. It becomes stronger because of it. Like breaking a bone, when it heals the bone is stronger.

Like I said, the theory is awesome. There was a measles epidemic in Washington.
Question. Is a new flu vaccine invented every year.

Well there's still going to be outbreaks. Nothing has been completely eradicated. That would just be impossible.
Yes there is, but that's to combat the mutations in the virus. Not getting a flu shot won't kill children.
(I've never gotten a flu shot so I'm not sure how this effects people much….)

But y'know. The masses are vaccinated, right? So shouldn't this not be a thing.
Anyone who gets a vaccine becomes a carrier for the disease, dropping it on lots of innocent people until their bodies are finished fighting it.

But the masses aren't vaccinated are they? People chose not to vaccinate their children all the time.
A vaccine is not a cure it's just a booster to help your body fight the disease should it come into contact with it.

Deleted user

okay, not only is not vaccinating your child a little silly, it puts other people's children at risk, too. Babies who haven't had shots yet, kids with autoimmune diseases, etc. it can be really dangerous.


Can someone explain to me a reason why you shouldn't vaccinate or why the government should regulate media for minors? Even if they're just opinions, can you give me a single reason? I'm trying to learn and understand these issues so I can figure out why they're issues in the first place.

Deleted user

idek, I don't see why you would choose not to!!! like, if you can't get vaccines, thats one thing, but refusing them is the epitome of privilege.


Like I said. Children. Your parents control/ regulate everything else in your life, why would the internet be any different?

They don't really control much, at least in my household. They let my brother and me do what we please most of the time, as long as we have common sense. We work as a family unit, only divided by the people who can drive and who cannot (my dad and I are the only ones who can really drive at this point). Ever since we hit 14-15 years of age, they began to treat us like adults so we know how to manage and monitor ourselves. What good is parental monitoring if the children don't learn responsibility of themselves? What good is an 18-year-old who is sneaky, doesn't trust their parents/authority figures, or even worse, doesn't even know how to function like an adult?

And that is good parenting. Teaching your children how to be adults. But they still watch over you. Guide you. Even if you dont think that they are monitoring what you do in life I promise that they are.
How often to teens/youth use the media to actually learn things about being a functioning adult? Honestly. I'm sure that percentage is very low. Regulation and monitoring is not bad. Not at all.

What about strict and controlling parents? Parents that don't communicate with their children? Parents that have a very bad relationship with their children? Parents that punish their children out of spite and control them not to keep them safe or prepare them for adult life, but just because they like having control?

You guys do know that is a very and I mean very low percentage of parents now a days right? Having strict parents isn't a bad thing, they literally are preparing you for life. Because life doesn't give you shit. Life controls everything you want and do. Having parents that let you do whatever the hell you want and don't guide you are doing the worst kind of disservice ever.
Communication is an interesting thing to bring up. I think you should clarify about what the parent needs to communicate to their child about. Because in a logical opinion, parents don't need to tell their kids anything. Unless you want to sit down and talk about bills, jobs you don't understand, their sex lives, familial drama, taxes, politics that have nothing to do with children, etc. Then yea sure. But in truth, they are the adult and they don't need to be told what to do by children.
Everyone blames the parents for bad situations/relationships with children, but honestly it goes both ways. If you're an ass to your parents their going to be an ass back. It's that simple. Humans in general are like that. In all relationships in life, you have to work at it. Nothing is easy.
Parents are not the bad guys that teenagers make them out to be.
I thought had the strictest parents you could think of. Literally controlled everything I did, but looking back they really weren't and didn't. Now I have the best relationship with my parents because they pushed me to be a good, smart person. Yea I've been through hell, but that was entirely of my making. Not how they raised me or put me through. People really need to start thinking about that.

mkay sorry I've been stalking this chat and I'm just gonna jump in here real quick

I think that kids need a safe space to mess up. They need to be given some freedom to mess up while they still have a strong support system to help them out when they mess up and they don't know what to do. That's hard to learn when every aspect of your life is controlled. In my opinion, you need a little bit of freedom in order for that to work.
I am aware that my parents are probably not as bad as I make them out to be (in some things). I am aware that I overreact sometimes. But that's because my brain is still developing. It's rewiring itself and my rational decision-making skills are that of a child's right now. They are the ones who are supposed to be the adult, the bigger person, the more rational one.
Some people are put through hell that is not of their own making. Some people have parents who abuse them physically and emotionally. And because of the polarized political climate for those of you in America, kids who have differing political opinions from their parents or have an identity that their parents disagree with because of their politics, are ridiculed or abused.
Okay and this is a legitimate question because I've asked my parents the same thing and they've refused to answer me, how is restricting my freedom supposed to prepare me for having total freedom when I go to college? How is restricting the way I use my devices going to stick with me when I'm on my own and suddenly have free rein over my devices? How is it supposed to prepare me? (That kinda goes with the "safe space to mess up" thing I mentioned earlier)

My thoughts exactly, Moxie

And Eris, I feel like once kids get to a certain age, parents do need to communicate about bills, taxes, jobs, etc. All important adult things that we need to know about when we turn 18.


To anyone who wishes not to vaccinate their kids: look up a video of a baby with whooping cough. It's a horrible thing to watch, and not vaccinating children puts them at risk of going through that and most likely dying from it.
The outbreaks are because there are children not being vaccinated. It is not because vaccines are ineffective.

Deleted user

AND!!!!! VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!!! That study was bogus and unfounded. even of they did its disgusting that you'd rather have a dead child rather than an autistic one.


AND!!!!! VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!!! That study was bogus and unfounded. even of they did its disgusting that you'd rather have a dead child rather than an autistic one.

don't use words like disgusting in this chat, everybody is entitled to their own opinion whether you strongly disagree with it or not

Deleted user

AND!!!!! VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!!! That study was bogus and unfounded. even of they did its sad that you'd rather have a dead child rather than an autistic one.

don't use words like disgusting in this chat, everybody is entitled to their own opinion whether you strongly disagree with it or not

sorry man, didn't mean to offend. it is pretty awful to me but I get where you're coming from. :/


Can someone explain to me a reason why you shouldn't vaccinate or why the government should regulate media for minors? Even if they're just opinions, can you give me a single reason? I'm trying to learn and understand these issues so I can figure out why they're issues in the first place.

(I feel like I'm either being ignored or someone's typing a really long response, either way I want to make sure I'm not ignored because I seriously want to learn about this stuff and you guys are basically my only source)


AND!!!!! VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!!! That study was bogus and unfounded. even of they did its sad that you'd rather have a dead child rather than an autistic one.

don't use words like disgusting in this chat, everybody is entitled to their own opinion whether you strongly disagree with it or not

sorry man, didn't mean to offend. it is pretty awful to me but I get where you're coming from. :/

no, I get it, I don't agree with anti-vaxers either, I just don't like getting too negative about things here.

Deleted user

AND!!!!! VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM!!! That study was bogus and unfounded. even of they did its sad that you'd rather have a dead child rather than an autistic one.

don't use words like disgusting in this chat, everybody is entitled to their own opinion whether you strongly disagree with it or not

sorry man, didn't mean to offend. it is pretty awful to me but I get where you're coming from. :/

no, I get it, I don't agree with anti-vaxers either, I just don't like getting too negative about things here.



Can someone explain to me a reason why you shouldn't vaccinate or why the government should regulate media for minors? Even if they're just opinions, can you give me a single reason? I'm trying to learn and understand these issues so I can figure out why they're issues in the first place.

(I feel like I'm either being ignored or someone's typing a really long response, either way I want to make sure I'm not ignored because I seriously want to learn about this stuff and you guys are basically my only source)

You're not being ignored, sorry there are just a lot of responses and I miss some

gimme a few minutes I'll give you a thorough response


Can someone explain to me a reason why you shouldn't vaccinate or why the government should regulate media for minors? Even if they're just opinions, can you give me a single reason? I'm trying to learn and understand these issues so I can figure out why they're issues in the first place.

(I feel like I'm either being ignored or someone's typing a really long response, either way I want to make sure I'm not ignored because I seriously want to learn about this stuff and you guys are basically my only source)

You're not being ignored, sorry there are just a lot of responses and I miss some

gimme a few minutes I'll give you a thorough response

So for the vaccination, the only valid reason I can come up with is if a child is allergic to something in the vaccine.
For the minors and social media thing, I believe that strict control over internet usage can be beneficial to children. It teaches them that there's more to life than just the internet, which I feel like a lot of people need to learn. I don't think we can rely on parents to monitor their children's internet usage because if I'm honest, it's way too easy to sneak around your parents rules (unless they're psychopaths who are watching their kids 24/7).

Deleted user

but also, what if the parents are like, homophobic or racist? They could censor the content their kid sees and carry on their beliefs to another generation

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

okay, not only is not vaccinating your child a little silly, it puts other people's children at risk, too. Babies who haven't had shots yet, kids with autoimmune diseases, etc. it can be really dangerous.

So does vaccination. You become a carrier of the disease putting people around you at risk.


I still can't see how that would work, what would the government do? Would all computers owned by minors suddenly stop showing media like that after, say, 4 hours of it being used? I don't see the logic here

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

but also, what if the parents are like, homophobic or racist? They could censor the content their kid sees and carry on their beliefs to another generation

What if? But parents have more of a right to regulate what their see than anyone else.


I still can't see how that would work, what would the government do? Would all computers owned by minors suddenly stop showing media like that after, say, 4 hours of it being used? I don't see the logic here

Maybe they would make it a law to have an ID to have an electronic device? Something like that? idk