forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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insert me screaming when they found a vaccination for the Polio disease when I found out in sixth grade



Here's something new. Should the government be able to restrict media usage for minors and make it so that they can only use media for a few hours?
We were talking about this earlier in class so yea (figured I may as well add this to the list of topics)


Here's something new. Should the government be able to restrict media usage for minors and make it so that they can only use media for a few hours?
We were talking about this earlier in class so yea (figured I may as well add this to the list of topics)

What? No? I like using my internet time freely? What?

@HighPockets group

vax v anti-vax

Okay, but why the heck would you not vaccinate?

Some people believe vaccination gives kids autism. WHICH IS NOT CORRECT THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Also if you'd rather have a dead kid who died because you didn't give them the measles vax than an autistic kid, you're just ableist.

Deleted user

Okay but how many parents actually regulate what their children do on the internet/media?


Okay but how many parents actually regulate what their children do on the internet/media?

My parents do, my WiFi shuts off at 10 PM every night and they're often checking to make sure I don't end up on the wrong sites, which is one of the reasons for my "good, Christian server" jokes

Deleted user

My parents do the same, regulate my browsing sites (but don’t shut off my WiFi) and my things aren’t regulated.

I don’t even have a phone 🤷🏻‍♀️

@HighPockets group

Ugh okay I just wanted to veer off and say how awesome it is to research these diseases. Like, Polio was so freaking bad that people were scrambling to find a vaccine. It just… facinates me, you know? Idk if I sound like a terrible person for saying that, but something about the destructive nature of diseases just… fascinates me.

I get it, if there's one event in history I know a lot about, it's the Black Death. Why? Because I'm a sick human being who likes to learn about all the horrible plagues and diseases of the past, I dunno

Yeah they're fun to look up!

@HighPockets group

Okay but how many parents actually regulate what their children do on the internet/media?

I mean, I have a set time for how long I can be on certain apps, but I can still ask for more time and 99% of the time I get more time.

Deleted user

As they should be! It's not such a bad thing to have your parents monitor your life. You guys are still children.

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I mean I can say different butnit’s probably super biased since… I am a minor…

Deleted user

Like I said. Children. Your parents control/ regulate everything else in your life, why would the internet be any different?


Great point but that doesnt answer my question.

You make a good point. And I don't think that parents regulate their kids internet history and stuff well enough. I feel like I should mention that the bill where they were discussing this gave minors 2 hours of media time which I don't think is enough. I know I'm biased as a minor but I also think that maybe as you get older you should be able to have more freedom in this