forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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I know that it may be scary but it is good that schools are doing these kind of drills. I'd rather people be prepared for the worst then not have any preparation at all and suffer as many have done.
No one blames an earthquake for killing people and yet we still do the drills. Same with fire. Flash floods. Tornado. Bombs.


But a gun didn't walk into anyone's school and shoot people. A person did. A sick minded person. Guns are not the issue. Regulating the people and the way they obtain/ keep them is the issue.

I agree there, it’s not the gun’s fault. When my little sister got angry and stabbed my arm with a pencil, was it her fault or the pencil’s?


I know that it may be scary but it is good that schools are doing these kind of drills. I'd rather people be prepared for the worst then not have any preparation at all and suffer as many have done.
No one blames an earthquake for killing people and yet we still do the drills. Same with fire. Flash floods. Tornado. Bombs.

It's terrifying, but we wouldn't have to worry so much if there was stricter gun control

Deleted user

I think guns should be aloud. But no one can control people.

Why do you think guns should be allowed?

One, we cn use them to defend ourselves. Two, I enjoy shooting(that's just me, it clears my mind.), Three, I used to live next to a house known for someone being murdered in it, if someone I trust has a gun, I will feel safe.


I think guns should be aloud. But no one can control people.

Why do you think guns should be allowed?

One, we cn use them to defend ourselves. Two, I enjoy shooting(that's just me, it clears my mind.), Three, I used to live next to a house known for someone being murdered in it, if someone I trust has a gun, I will feel safe.

What if a gun falls into the hands of somebody you don't trust? Guns can be used to attack and defend

Deleted user

What are the rates of attacks without guns in Japan?
And what do you think Eris, about the, "If we have guns we don't need to worry because we can defend ourselves" argument.

That's a great question, i actually don't know. But if people are going around chopping people with katanas I think at that point they may have deserved it. (poor joke. sorry guys)
What do you mean "we can defend ourselves"? Like we don't need a military or police force anymore?


I personally say we need to have stricter gun laws. Currently it is extremely easy to acquire a gun, and even if we did develop a way to dictate who should own a gun and who can't. People can still abuse the system by making themselves look better than they actually are. You can't control people no matter how hard you try. You say guns can protect us, but they also are the ones threatening us. It's just a big old cycle that just keeps on going. Let's just take guns out of the equation, since even if trustworthy people own the guns, they can still easily fall into the wrong hands.

One suggestion I do have for regulation for people like Lex that enjoy shooting is to have guns limited to shooting ranges and have a high penalty for both the range and the person taking the gun if a gun leaves the range. That way people who like shooting still get to shoot and the rest of us don't have to worry about whether or not we're in danger.

Deleted user

I think guns should be aloud. But no one can control people.

That's what laws and regulation is for.


I don't, but there is this one video about a kid who goes and tries to get a bunch of different things like alcohol and drugs. Then he goes to buy a gun, and they just let him buy the gun. And he's only in middle school or something, but there were no checks or anything. So yeah… Only thing I know about getting a gun.

Deleted user

I think guns should be aloud. But no one can control people.

That's what laws and regulation is for.

Yes, but even with laws. No one can control the way others think. Even if it is messed up beyond compare.

Deleted user

True but that doesn't mean that we cannot control how they obtain dangerous items.

Deleted user

That was not my point.
I think we should have more regulations on guns.
I'm not very educated on this so I'm not completley sure if this is true.
I think that they should go to multiple classes on it, have more therough background checks, etc.