forum Lame Jokes
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 19 followers


Hears another. (I'll stop after this, it's just getting to lame.)
I ran into a person the other day with stalks of corn all over her shirt.
I asked what kind of shirt it was.
She said it was a crop top.
(So lame.)


(You might have heard this one but here it goes.)
Sherlock and Watson went camping one night.
They set up their tents and go to sleep.
In the middle of the night Sherlock woke Watson up and asked, "Watson, look up, what do you see."
Watson looked up.
"Well," he began, "I see hundreds of stars. And maybe some of them are planets. And because the universe is so vast, maybe one of those planets have life on them."
Sherlock shook his head.
"No, dummy, someone stole our tent."
(Sooooooo lame.)

Deleted user

This is so lame. I made it myself from what I know.

What do you call a singing computer company?


My family does this all the time.

Knock knock!

Come on in!

  • awkward silence *


^^ lol. I'd do this to my family all the time:
Me: So I have a knock knock joke, but I need someone to start me off
Bro: Okay, knock knock
Me: Who's there
awkward silence


here's one I got off a Laffy Taffy wrapper:

what happened when the green giant jumped into the Red Sea?

he got wet

Deleted user

What does him being hulk's son have to do with anything?