forum Lame Jokes
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 19 followers


Hey, dunno about the rest of you, but I'm a fan of just about all humor. So go on. Don't hit me, CRUSH me with what ya got! Do it! But, uh, no bad ones that are too mean to be a joke, okay? Okay.


This is one of my favorites:

A length of rope walks into a bar. The bartender looks at him and says “Get out, we don’t serve ropes in here!”
The rope goes outside and cuts himself in half. He then ties his two sections together. To jazz his appearance up a bit, he takes a comb and combs out his ends.
He then walks back into the bar and the bartender says “Hey, aren’t you that rope I just kicked out?”
And the rope replied “No, I’m a frayed knot.”


i dont know if this one has been said or not, but it is my favorite!!!

Why does a chicken coop have only two doors?
Because if it had four, it'd be a chicken sedan! ba dum tss


also, heres a funny/bad story.

One time my dad and i were driving down the road and a minivan passed us. All of a sudden i hear dad giggling so i look over at him:
Dad: "did you see the famous artist?"
Me: "huh?"
Dad: "Did you see the famous artist that just went past us?"
Me: " …..?"
Dad: "didnt you see the VAN GO?"

he started crying from laughing so hard