forum Lame Jokes
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 19 followers

@Imperfect_Autumn group

I think either Lion King or Hunchback of Notre Dame (which would be at the top of my list but for the gargoyles -_-)
Also, the color palette and style of Pocahantas is lovely.

cough-cough LION KING cough-cough


(Awight. Night peoples.

Awe. 'Night!

(I'll come back tomowwow I pwomise!!!!

laughs nervously I make no such promise… :(

Good night! If someone murders me before morning, I will miss you all



What is green, fuzzy, a will hurt you if it falls out of a tree!?!?!?
A pool table!!!!

What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?!?!?!
"Where's my tractor?"


I hope no one said these already



i have another joke

I've been hating russian dolls for a long time now.
They're always so full of themselves.

ohmygod LOL

I have a couple: what is small, yellow and scary?
A chick with a machine gun.

What do you call a dwarf in an elevator?
Stuck, because he can't reach the buttons.


Has anyone seen that one Batman from the 60's where there's one episode with the joker and there was this one joke/thinly-disguised riddle and it's like, 'what small and weighs 60 lb.s (or something)' and Robin is immediately like, a sparrow with a machine gun and Batman's all like 'Of course, robin'. O-o where did you get that answer and how is that funny?


Has anyone seen that one Batman from the 60's where there's one episode with the joker and there was this one joke/thinly-disguised riddle and it's like, 'what small and weighs 60 lb.s (or something)' and Robin is immediately like, a sparrow with a machine gun and Batman's all like 'Of course, robin'. O-o where did you get that answer and how is that funny?

HAHAHAHA!!! I remember that!