forum Lame Jokes
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 19 followers


Why are curium, helium, and barium the main medical elements? Because if you can't curium or helium, you barium!

Haha! My dad who's actually a doctor told me that one.


Why are curium, helium, and barium the main medical elements? Because if you can't curium or helium, you barium!

Haha! My dad who's actually a doctor told me that one.

XD Your dad must be awesome!


Why are curium, helium, and barium the main medical elements? Because if you can't curium or helium, you barium!

Haha! My dad who's actually a doctor told me that one.

XD Your dad must be awesome!

He is most of the time! Except for when he's angry. Other than that he's great!


SO there are three guys stranded on an island. They get captured by the people living on the island. Now these island people make a deal with the three guys and tell them to go collect 13 of the same fruit. SO the first guy comes back carrying 13 strawberries and the island people tell him to shove all thirteen of them up his butt without laughing and if he does they will set him free, but if he laughs they will kill him. So the first guy tries, but he gets to his sixth strawberry and starts to laugh. The Island people kill him. Along comes the second man carrying 13 blueberries. The island people give him the same instructions. Now the second guy is on his last blueberry. He has almost made it, but at the last moment he starts to laugh. SO the Island people kill him. Now up in heaven the two guys are talking and the first guy asks," why did you start laughing you were so close." The second guy turns to him and replies," Because I saw the third guy coming back with pineapples."


Last year in history we were learning about the tai ping rebellion so this one kid just stopped taking notes and my teacher goes "Jose, take notes!" and the dude just looked at him and says "I'm having a ty-ping rebellion." The whole class just kinda died and the teacher had to rest his head in his hands in exasperation.

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Build a man a fire, keep him warm for a day. Set a man on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life.
(I know, really dark humor. I will leave now.)


Yo, yo! How much work did the skeleton get done? A skele-TON! I was wondering why the baseball kept getting bigger…and then it hit me. Why did the picture go to jail? Because it was FRAMED! HAH!