forum Lame Jokes
Started by @Imperfect_Autumn group

people_alt 19 followers


I've got a mythology one!
Why doesn't Oedipus swear?
Because he kisses his mother with that mouth.


I have two about snakes.

  1. Over on the side of a road was a lever. When this lever was flipped, it would set off an explosion, so everyone tried their best to avoid it. In this town, there lived a snake named Nate. One day, he was slowly inching across a road. A driver came by and noticed the snake a little too late. The driver was about to swerve, but then he noticed the lever on the side of the road. He had to quickly decide what to do. Kill poor, innocent Nate, or cause an explosion. The driver ran over the snake. While he was driving away, he thought to himself: Better Nate than lever.

  2. A man and his wife were driving up north, when they were suddenly hit with a snowstorm. The man tried to wipe away the snow, but the wipers on the car broke from the cold. The man got out of his car, dug under some rocks, and found two frozen snakes. He placed them on the broken wipers, got back in the car and turned them on. After the snow was cleared, he noticed his wife giving him an odd look. He faced her and said, “Haven’t you ever heard of wind-chilled vipers?”


Also one time when I was camping with a relative, we were in a tent and someone fell over or something and she was like "Well that was intense!" And then somebody laughed and she added, "Glad you thought it was punny!"