forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Moxie group

Preferably. I'm sure the Catholic kids are tough enough. And Rudeness Chat.

I mean alrighty. Give me a few minutes and I’ll type it out

Deleted user

My conversations with Death Man are incredibly enlightening

they are GOLD, i applaud you

@Moxie group

Wait what?

Eating and drinking Jesus bothers me.

Dude me too
Alrighty I'll start with that
So this is like. Really rude. So sorry to any Catholic people here. My problem is with your church, not you.

Uhh so at my church communion just kinda represents Jesus's body and blood. We don't actually believe that it is his actual literal body and blood. Like why would you even do that? That's not even what happened in the Bible. Pretty sure its just something unnecessarily creepy the Catholic church made up and I really don't vibe with it. I don't think it would bring anyone closer to God so like.. Why.

Deleted user

Cannibalism is a crime, then why does religion get away with it? Hmm?

@HighPockets group

In unrelated news, I came very very close to snapping during English today. This obnoxious kid kept talking over the teacher, farting super loudly, and honest-to-fucking-God meowing and I nearly threw my pencils at him to shut him up.

Deleted user

Wow so edgy


What you said was hella edgy and overdramatic. So I pointed it out.

But why? I extremely dislike Catholicism. I don't think it should be a religion. So I said my opinion.
That's not overdramatic.

@HighPockets group

I like Lent because it gives me an excuse to eat more fish.
And I don't believe in giving things up, but in trying to better myself.
Also I'm like…not very Catholic…I'd say I lean more agnostic…

@HighPockets group

Wow so edgy


What you said was hella edgy and overdramatic. So I pointed it out.

But why? I extremely dislike Catholicism. I don't think it should be a religion. So I said my opinion.
That's not overdramatic.

Okay, well it's still obnoxious and edgy when you just say "it should burn". And why shouldn't it be a religion? On its own, there's nothing wrong with it. It's bigoted jackasses who throw around their Catholic label as an excuse to be prejudiced (which is not condoned in the Bible) that are the bad part.

@HighPockets group

Ughhhh people are complaining about vigilante justice books that focus on murdering rapists and it's making me Angry. JUST LET THEM KILL BAD MEN, IT'S NOT CONDONING MURDER YOU ABSOLUTE MORONS!