forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

How bout you stop talking big letters, Miriam?

Being a mod is my job, not your's. Know your fucking place.

Deleted user

How bout you stop talking big letters, Miriam?

Being a mod is my job, not your's. Know your fucking place.

I was just asking because I was getting annoyed.

That wasn't asking. That was telling. Stop. We have had this conversation before.

@The-Magician group

anyway how bout we change the goddamn subject before I physically scream

Scream, hopefully you’ll become lightheaded and pass out so we don’t have to deal with you for a bit.

Deleted user

Miriam– this is a warning. Next time I have to seriously pause my life to write out another message to you, it will be to ask you to leave.

I will finally step in here and say that I've had enough. You have been excessively rude and cruel to other users and I (and others) will not put up with it anymore. I know that I am tired of coming back to seeing pages of you excessively going on and on about how everyone is so mean to you or how youre a complete bitch because you're 'depressed'. (lol depression doesn't excuse that.)

You can see with your own eyes–because we all know you read through the pages of this chat that happened while you were gone–how this chat isn't drama filled or rude when you don't post. Personally, I enjoy the nonsense, so when you come back and start all this bullshit, it's not okay. Especially when you preach that you aren't 'toxic' and 'don't cause drama'. There is proof.

For now I just ask that you accept that people aren't happy with the way that you act and just chill for a minute. We understand that you may have issues in your life and we respect that as much as we can, but at the same time that doesn't make you special–we all have issues and you need to respect that as well.

So– in sum up: Strike one.

That is all.

@Moxie group

How bout you stop talking big letters, Miriam?

Being a mod is my job, not your's. Know your fucking place.

Dude, other people are allowed to tell people not to talk in big letters. You’re not always gonna be around and just because you have the job doesn’t mean you’re the only one that can enforce rules

Deleted user

How bout you stop talking big letters, Miriam?

Being a mod is my job, not your's. Know your fucking place.

Dude, other people are allowed to tell people not to talk in big letters. You’re not always gonna be around and just because you have the job doesn’t mean you’re the only one that can enforce rules

They've had this problem before. I would've been much more cordial if they hadn't caused a shit load of drama before because they were trying to mod the place

@The-Magician group

How bout you stop talking big letters, Miriam?

Being a mod is my job, not your's. Know your fucking place.

Dude, other people are allowed to tell people not to talk in big letters. You’re not always gonna be around and just because you have the job doesn’t mean you’re the only one that can enforce rules

Also, it’s not only you whom Eris has nominated as Mods while she is away so don’t go acting all high and mighty.

Deleted user

Do. Not. Call. Me. Cruel.
I'm serious.
I'm not having a goddamn panic attack because of this.
I don't appreciate that you put 'depressed' in quotes. It feels invalidating to me.

Yeah, I literally said that when I came back I read through what was said lmao.

this chat is supposed to be rude.

Call me toxic all you want. I'm not. Deal with it.

I've never said my mental health makes me special.

Kay, 'Strike One,' cool.

Now, let's move on.

Deleted user

Okay, okay. The Miriam shit had me on edge, and I was way too snappy with Nie. I apologize

Deleted user

Nie– chill with the moding. I've got people to take care of that stuff in my absence. If you have issues with the chat contact Mox, Lee, Dom, or Bay.

got it?

Or me since this is–you know– my chat

Deleted user

{Idk big letters do get annoying– And yes, I use them sometimes. Still.}

Deleted user

Okay, okay. The Miriam shit had me on edge, and I was way too snappy with Nie. I apologize


@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Nie– chill with the moding. I've got people to take care of that stuff in my absence. If you have issues with the chat contact Mox, Lee, Dom, or Bay.

got it?

Or me since this is–you know– my chat

I really was not trying to mod your chat, but I do understand what you are saying, Eris.

Deleted user

Miriam I literally could not care less that you have an issue with anything I said. This is MY fucking kingdom here so you will listen if you want to stay. Understand?

Do not test me.

Deleted user

{Idk big letters do get annoying– And yes, I use them sometimes. Still.}

No. You will not use them on this chat anymore.

No one will.

Everyone got it?

Deleted user

Miriam I literally could not care less that you have an issue with anything I said. This is MY fucking kingdom here so you will listen if you want to stay. Understand?

Do not test me.

I'm not testing you but mmkay