forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

I've got 2 finals and a 5 hour car ride tomorrow, which will be fun.
Like, I'm hella excited for my trip but that's a long time to be in a car.
Although to be fair, it's just double the trip I made twice a week for a month, so it won't be too bad.
I won't be online though :(

Aww, honey <3

Oh? I thought you weren't responding to my posts.

I said I was considering trying it out shrug

I'd prefer it if you did. Not to be rude, but I want as little to do with you as possible since you seem to carry a cloud of negativity and cruelness with you.

The 'cloud of negativity' is probably the severe depression. And I'm not cruel. Do not call me cruel.
I love it when people pin the blame on you for something they caused :)

Honey, you do know I've been diagnosed with severe depression for 3 years, right? And you most definitely have been cruel.
I love when people pin their own mental state on people they don't know the slightest bit about in a sick and twisted attempt to guilt trip them :) I caused nothing. No one on Notebook is responsible for your mental health, and if you can't see that, you're too immature to be on the internet.

Yeah, I do know. Which is why I think you'd understand where I, someone with severe depression since grade 5, am coming from. I'm not cruel. I'm telling not you to call me cruel.
I've never blamed anyone for my mental health. I was referring to my break.

Deleted user

I feel like these last few pages haven't been so good lmao

For anyone who thinks I'm being mean to you, I'm not trying to be. I'm trying to be kind to y'all. Even if it doesn't seem like that to you.

…. congratulations?
Do you want a pat on the back or…?

Nah. I'm just explaining to anyone who isn't understanding.

Gotcha gotcha. Still not understanding but cool cool cool

shrugs kay

@HighPockets group

We didn't cause your break either. You chose to leave because you wanted to. Blaming it on us is regressive and immature.
And if you continue to be cruel, I will call you cruel. Your mental health doesn't change the fact that you owe people respect and that you have done nothing but be a bitch since your return. Show me that you're not cruel, and I will reconsider.

Deleted user

My dog is thicc

I don't exercise her enough, so she's a fatty

Deleted user

We didn't cause your break either. You chose to leave because you wanted to. Blaming it on us is regressive and immature.
And if you continue to be cruel, I will call you cruel. Your mental health doesn't change the fact that you owe people respect and that you have done nothing but be a bitch since your return. Show me that you're not cruel, and I will reconsider.

In my opinion {you know, the person who went on the break}, you caused it. I'm stating that not to cause drama, but because that's the truth.

Don't call me cruel. Okay? I'm not cruel. I will say this one last time: Do not call me cruel. It is a trigger for me.

When did this turn into a rant about me needing to respect people? And I don't need your validation.

Deleted user

I'm trying to be fair to y'all but some of you do not make it easy

@HighPockets group

Imagine giving so much power to internet strangers that you blame your own decision to leave off of them :/
You're the one who chose not to look on the site. You know what they say about people who deal in absolutes….
Maybe you should have cared about triggers when you told everyone on here that they were worthless, that you hated all of them, and went as far as changing your profile picture to one that will trigger people who have self-harmed. But I am sorry to have triggered you.
Never said you needed my validation, I just said that you can't be upset about how I perceive you if you do jack shit to change it.

Deleted user

Imagine giving so much power to internet strangers that you blame your own decision to leave off of them :/
You're the one who chose not to look on the site. You know what they say about people who deal in absolutes….

I'm done with this conversation.

Maybe you should have cared about triggers when you told everyone on here that they were worthless, that you hated all of them, and went as far as changing your profile picture to one that will trigger people who have self-harmed. But I am sorry to have triggered you.

I never told anyone they were worthless or that I hated them???? Where tf are you getting all this from?????
I'm sorry if my profile picture triggers people as well. I have self harmed for years, and I didn't find it triggering, but in the mean time I can look for something else.

Deleted user

never told them they were worthless or that you hated them


@HighPockets group

From your massive bolded post saying that you hated all of us, we did nothing but invalidate you, and all that?? Do you not remember posting that to the Personal Venting Chat? Even if you delete it to cover your tracks, we remember it.

Deleted user

I won't delete it. I did say people invalidated me. But I never said I hated anyone or that they were worthless.

@HighPockets group

i fucking hate everyone. I can't think of a single time I haven't been invalidated or insulted here. But for the second time, my account will be gone by morning. don't worry about it. (Personal Venting Chat, Pg. 262)
this is exactly why you annoy the absolute shit out of me (Personal Venting Chat, Pg. 260)
Can you shut up??? For once?? You are honestly one of the most toxic people here and I'm sick of it. (Personal Venting Chat, Pg. 260)
what the hell is wrong with you (Personal Venting Chat, Pg. 261)
You're honestly such a bitch it makes me laugh (Personal Venting Chat, Pg. 262)
Have fun on your toxic site. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has spent so much time on this site, and look what's happened. (Personal Venting Chat, Pg. 262)
i fucking hate everyone. I can't think of a single time I haven't been invalidated or insulted here. But for the second time, my account will be gone by morning. don't worry about it. (Personal Venting Chat, Pg. 262)

Deleted user

See, this is the problem with people not knowing the irl situation I was in {which I am not willing to share}. I did not mean everyone on this site, but rather real people I knew.

I still stand by what I said about being invalidated.

I can't help but notice I never called anyone worthless.

Deleted user

You didn't know my outside situation, no matter how nice I made it seem, but you still called me "One of the most toxic users here"

There's no excuse.

@HighPockets group

If you don't give us the context, you really can't be mad at us for assuming you meant us. In my opinion, you made it pretty fucking clear that you meant us.