forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


Right, like I'm okay with a few little touches, or even a quick hug, but like…….she'll be talking to me, and petting my fucking arms the whole time. Or grabbing at me, or just…….constantly, constantly touching me and it fries me

@ElderGod-kirky group

Oh gods no. I'd legit just walk away, or get away somehow. As I said, there are a select few people I would allow that, but my grandmothers are not on that list. If someone started grabbing at me all the time while they talked to me, I would make it very clear that I didn't like it. If they don't catch the hint, then I'd move away. If they throw a fit, say too bad, I don't like it.


I just try to keep something in between us while we talk. Like the counter or something. Or just stay out of reach of her arms, or…you know, give excuses and stuff, idk. I mean…i just hope she doesn't do it again next time I see her, or I probably will explode

@ElderGod-kirky group

my question is… why would you ever just… pet someone while talking to them? My dad will play with my hair if I'm sitting near him and we're listening to a conversation (we're both on the quieter side), but he doesn't pet my arms unless he's being a smartass or just a dork

@Pickles group

I don't understand why people bump into you and then touch you as they apologize? Are they trying to stabilize me? Because you already touched me once, you don't need to do it again and you aren't helping

Deleted user

'Cause a normal person doesn't expect someone to have a crippling fear of human contact???

Deleted user

the only reason I don't like to be touched is because other people are icky

@Moxie group

I mostly am fine with being touched but I'll probably drop you if you touch me when I tell you not to on the rare occasion I'm not okay with it

@The-Magician group

While we are on the topic of touching,

I would like to be rude to the guy at work who thought it would be okay to brush his hand against my thigh and/or ass whenever he walked passed me. You have a girlfriend, you don’t do that kind of thing when you’re in a relationship!!!! And who the fuck gave you permission to touch me like that? Because I sure as hell didn’t!

@The-Magician group

Easier said than done beautiful, especially since all my shoes now have some kind of heel. Also I don’t gave any hair from someone I hate, nor do I have rubber gloves, and if I try to wear shoes that are too big for me it will slow me down…also, if I was to go for the airshot between the toes method, I’d need to find something to actually do that with, and I would have to get him when he’s asleep and chloroform is only accessible on eBay if you have a professional/business license …