forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user


omfg you just spoiled the whole thing JYN WHAT THE HELL

Deleted user

I haven't thought about Schoolhouse Rock in years

This is bringing back memories I didn't know I had

Deleted user

jesus christ

Schoolhouse rock….

I havent heard those words in a dogs age

@Moxie group

so you're just gonna sit there and get mad at another adhd person for wanting an extension on an essay huh? While I, a person who you constantly help after she turns things in late just sits here? You're really gonna do that? You're really gonna say its not fair he gets more time?
Like wow you're being a real Karen right now

@The-Magician group

Okay, how’s this for a life plan:
After I finish college in May, I’m going to be working at my restaurant full time for a bit. Somewhere along the line after my 18th im going to apply to work in a bar, so I will be working in a bar, and the restaurant, part time. So like have my availability set so that I can do both.
I’m going to do this, then after I hit 21 I’m going to apply to work as a bartender on a cruise ship for a bit, which will require for me to quit my other two jobs.
What I do after that is still a working progress..

@Pickles group

I love when your friends are like "come sit with us" and then make you walk around the whole damn cafeteria while they don't tell you where they are. And then when they do tell you, they aren't there. Like, I was two tables away from you to begin with, you coulda just walked over or been like, turn around but nooo thats too hard

@ElderGod-kirky group

I didn't have any friends in my lunch last year, so I had an entire table to myself for a good portion of the beginning of the year. And then ALL of the 7th grade boys decided that "OH, we're going to randomly switch tables and make this chick as uncomfortable as possible everyday until she switches tables as well. I ended up sitting with two other seniors that I had in different classes and were semi-friends with, I got closer after sitting with them. And then, of course, my stalker took it upon myself to accompany us after he latched onto me.

Deleted user

It's not, Reed.

I'd rather try and it not work out than miss an option.

Well I mean there is a real world example of this, and it isn't working how you'd expect.

Fire is essentially plasma, the 4th stage of elements. It's what happens when gas gets superheated, and thus becomes plasma. Fire isn't the only example of plasma, there is also lightning and stars.

So let's take this a step further. The sun is a star (which we've established as plasma aka fire), and the endless vaccum of space is the coldest thing in existence to date (to my knowledge).

Has the sun become a solid? Has the freezer of space deadened the raging heat of the many stars it contains? The answer to both is no, and in fact, the opposite is happening. See, heat cannot be "cooled", only "displaced". But eventually there will be a time where space begins to get limited, and everything gradually heats up faster and faster until we hit what scientists call "The Heat Death of the Universe" because entropy exists.

So yeah, the fire would melt the fridge in this instance. Isn't science fun?

Oh great!
So anyone know any sites with good heat resistant gloves?

@Pickles group

Lowe's, Walmart, and tractor supply all have some, just from looking it up. Other hardware stores would as well, but you'd have to look up specific pairs and see the ratings to figure out what ones are the best


Gonna interrupt this conversation to be rude

I'd like to be rude to my grandmother, for, after I told her that I don't like being constantly touched, told me that I "just need to get over it" and "that's life" and "it's borderline autistic!" and that she "wasn't hurting me" so she didn't see the problem. Simply because guess what??? I DON'T LIKE BEING CONSTANTLY, CONSTANTLY TOUCHED. So piss off, old lady! I love her, don't get me wrong. I just…………..GOD i wish she would listen to me. She also is buying me a dress. that she will expect me to wear. i hate dresses and don't wear them. ever. ughh

@ElderGod-kirky group

I, too, am a being that hates being touched, especially by someone I don't know or without knowing it's coming. Only certain people have the privilege of being able to hug me, mainly my dad (who I'll cling to at any given time). Other times, nah. No touchy. honestly been told I looked terrified once when a lady came up behind me and touched my shoulder as she passed by. Probably had a little to do with my anxiety, as I was hella stressed in that crowded and fancy banquet. Thankfully, most of my family gets it and leaves me be, but I still have to suck it up and hug people on occasion.