forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Imagine thinking you're high and mighty when you are not.


Imagine it.

Deleted user

Hey y'all, If I put fire into a small freezer, do you think I could throw it at someone?

i don’t think so

It might burn down your freezer though and you can throw the melted remains at them instead

Good enough, anyone know any good heat resistant gloves?

Deleted user

Hey y'all, If I put fire into a small freezer, do you think I could throw it at someone?

i don’t think so

It might burn down your freezer though and you can throw the melted remains at them instead

Good enough, anyone know any good heat resistant gloves?

um no i don’t know that

maybe wrap it in tin foil so loosely it just comes undone on them

Deleted user

Hey y'all, If I put fire into a small freezer, do you think I could throw it at someone?

i don’t think so

It might burn down your freezer though and you can throw the melted remains at them instead

Good enough, anyone know any good heat resistant gloves?

That's not how science works.

Deleted user

I– Lee, did she just call you close-minded? You're like, one of the least close-minded people I know

The Irony™.

@The-Magician group

Although lets be real you're not going to listen and you're going to make the mistakes again.

Gods I hate it when I'm right…
Some puppies are just too young to be taught.

Yeah, too bad you haven't felt that in a while, huh?
Some bitches are just too close minded to be explained to.
Now, I'm done. Respond all you want, I will not be.

Actually, I'm right on a daily basis because first of all I'm a hell of a lot wiser than you so I know how to look at things logically rather than letting my mouth run wild like you do.
Yes, I'm a bitch. And I'm proud to be a bitch, but close minded is something I am not, and you'd do well to remember that.
You're never done. You always say that you're done but you always come running back with some smart ass comment that you think will make your case any better. But no, it doesn't, because you're a pathetic little child who doesn't listen to those who are trying to help her and prevent her from being hated.
Well congratulations sweetheart, you're getting the hate you deserve.

Deleted user

Hey y'all, If I put fire into a small freezer, do you think I could throw it at someone?

i don’t think so

It might burn down your freezer though and you can throw the melted remains at them instead

Good enough, anyone know any good heat resistant gloves?

That's not how science works.

But Erissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Deleted user

It's not, Reed.

I'd rather try and it not work out than miss an option.

Deleted user

It's not, Reed.

i don’t think Reed wants it for anything pertaining to this

maybe it's just for like, their life?

oo or maybe it’s a joke like Bath egg

which you also hated but still

@Moxie group

It's not, Reed.

i don’t think Reed wants it for anything pertaining to this

maybe it's just for like, their life?

oo or maybe it’s a joke like Bath egg

which you also hated but still

Do you . . . know Reed?
I love them but they're hella chaotic

Deleted user

It's not, Reed.

i don’t think Reed wants it for anything pertaining to this

maybe it's just for like, their life?

oo or maybe it’s a joke like Bath egg

which you also hated but still

Do you . . . know Reed?
I love them but they're hella chaotic

tru tho



It's not, Reed.

I'd rather try and it not work out than miss an option.

Well I mean there is a real world example of this, and it isn't working how you'd expect.

Fire is essentially plasma, the 4th stage of elements. It's what happens when gas gets superheated, and thus becomes plasma. Fire isn't the only example of plasma, there is also lightning and stars.

So let's take this a step further. The sun is a star (which we've established as plasma aka fire), and the endless vaccum of space is the coldest thing in existence to date (to my knowledge).

Has the sun become a solid? Has the freezer of space deadened the raging heat of the many stars it contains? The answer to both is no, and in fact, the opposite is happening. See, heat cannot be "cooled", only "displaced". But eventually there will be a time where space begins to get limited, and everything gradually heats up faster and faster until we hit what scientists call "The Heat Death of the Universe" because entropy exists.

So yeah, the fire would melt the fridge in this instance. Isn't science fun?

Deleted user


uh… sorry??

If this is my 'hm.' you're responding to, it literally had nothing to do with you.

Deleted user


uh… sorry??

If this is my 'hm.' you're responding to, it literally had nothing to do with you.

Okay. All I needed to know.

Deleted user

Also was not necessary to go back pages to find something to respond to.

Deleted user

My laptop brought me back to that page and I found it.
I'm not that desperate to find someone to argue with, Eris.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Hallo! Just popping in to get an honest opinion from y'all. I'm fully aware that this isn't rudeness related, but I respect most of the opinions from the people on this chat, so Imma throw it here just because 'cause I got homework and I'm too lazy to find some other chat to put this on.

Book title! I needs help. A brief overview of the plot/characters is this: MC is a male moon dragon shapeshifter that has been in foster care since he was 10 years old—he's 17 now. He moves to a throwaway town in WA when he's picked up by another family. He's had a history of abuse by his fosters. A local kid is the adoptive son of the sheriff and is also a shapeshifter–cat. He crushes on MC and makes that blatantly clear. Gay romance ensues after some persuasion. Main plot is centered around MC's past and the current conflict: a psycho murder that MC witnessed first-hand. Working on some more substance, but there ya go. Magic and murder with some gay panic sprinkled on top.

Here are the ones I've narrowed the title down to:

  1. Hey Kitty (reference to what MC calls LI)
  2. Bleeding Star
  3. Life of. . . (a play on the Life of Sin series coming after this book)
    • Cruelty
    • Hate
  4. Blood for Blood
  5. Moonlight and Stardust
  6. Abandon Me
  7. Save Me