forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


Jesus what kind of crackheads do you guys have at your school lmao?
The most mine's ever done was either threatened to shoot the school and/or actually brought a weapon there


My high school has a deputy sheriff on campus at all times and a four+ person security staff bcs the threat of arson or guns or literally anything is just that prevalent lmao

@ElderGod-kirky group

OH we have an active shooter drill thing tomorrow, and it's going to be during 8th period, when I'm in physics. Well, the physics classroom has an attached room/closet so we can all just hide our stuff and pile into the surprisingly spacious closet until it's over. Other classrooms have to get creative.

@The-Magician group

My college is an open campus, literally members of the general public can walk in and out of it.. We have next to no security cameras, and one warden on site

@ElderGod-kirky group

Just saying that I know of someone else going to college in that crime-filled city. I find it kinda funny how one of the best art schools in the country is in such a bad city

@ElderGod-kirky group

Ooooh, yeah. It sucked at the beginning because I was in a completely new building and going to a class full of people I didn't know. Had to take a moment to make myself breathe properly for a few days before walking in. It's all good now

@ElderGod-kirky group

It's kinda complicated, but also not really? There is a career and technical center in our area where we are trained for 2-3 years in certain career areas. There's Auto Collision Technology, Automotive Technology, Diesel Technology, (the three autobody shops), Carpentry, Commercial Art, Computer and Information Sciences, Cooperative Education, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts & Restaurant Management, Drafting and Design Technology, Early Childhood Education, Electrical Occupations, Electronics Technology, Health Occupations, Landscape and Turfgrass Management (Horticulture), Precision Machining, and Welding. All of these shops(classes) are accessible to Sophomores to Seniors in all the schools of our school district, though some shops are only accessible to Juniors to Seniors, as they're only 2-year shops.

I'm in Commercial Art, a 2-year shop. As a Junior, I go to the AM class. I go to home school (normal school) for homeroom, then 20 minutes of 1st period, then I leave class to get on a bus to go to the tech center, which we call Vo Tech. Then, at 11, my school dismisses from Vo Tech, gets on the bus again, and arrives at home school for lunch and then the rest of the day. Once I'm a Senior, I'll be going to PM classes, where I'd go to school normally until after I eat lunch, then I'll get on the bus and go to VT until around dismissal time, or I can just leave when I want if I were to drive myself.

@Moxie group

Wow these people in this tiny cafe are really just out here playing their music for all of us to hear, aren't they? Wow. Bold choice. (Why am I so petty today??)

Deleted user

glares at all the sunshine

I hate being in california again